Title: VIP Pairing: NaKame Rating: G Word Count: 3k A/N: Inspired from the recent NEWS x KT SCP episode... I am much too easy Summary: Kame is a thief and Nakamaru doesn’t like to share.
I always love this kind of writing where there is a sequence with all the member (past and present) and even non member (Massu) and how Nakamaru jealous of Kame and think he's stealing his friend while in fact he is jealous to everyone that get too close to Kame.
I love how you building this story and how Yuchi realize his true feeling. Once again offer you cookies and hugs
I love writing gradual, past to present stories too; it's one of the perks of writing in Johnny's fandom because we've see the boys grow up and there's so much rich history to extrapolate from. *^*
Thank you so much for your awesome feedback, Sarah! ♥♥♥
Comments 15
I always love this kind of writing where there is a sequence with all the member (past and present) and even non member (Massu) and how Nakamaru jealous of Kame and think he's stealing his friend while in fact he is jealous to everyone that get too close to Kame.
I love how you building this story and how Yuchi realize his true feeling. Once again offer you cookies and hugs
I love writing gradual, past to present stories too; it's one of the perks of writing in Johnny's fandom because we've see the boys grow up and there's so much rich history to extrapolate from. *^*
Thank you so much for your awesome feedback, Sarah! ♥♥♥
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