50 sentences; kameda (1/5)

May 18, 2016 23:25

Back in November I tried this set with Kameno but then the Junno news broke out and my muse went *poof* at KT losing another member (and one half of the ship lol), so here's take-two. This time I'm giving kameda a spin and dang is Ueda hard to write or what haha Enjoy and I'd be happy to hear your thoughts! :'3

#01 - Comfort
Kame is staring, narrow eyes pinpointing to Ueda’s right cheek where a bruise twinges under his make-up, and Ueda closes his eyes, bracing himself for a rebuke on how he should put his work before the boxing ring, but instead there’s a touch skimming his cheek, rough and light like the edge of a fallen leaf and when his eyes flutter open, Kame is gone.

#02 - Kiss
“I’ve done it, Nakamaru’s done it-why can’t you do it? Do you need help?” Kame asks as if blowing a kiss to the entirety of Tokyo Dome is as simple as a ‘hello’ and, with his annoyance getting the better of him, Ueda quips, “what, can I practice on you?” which sounds pretty witty until he hears Nakamaru’s gasp and sees Kame’s open-mouthed shock stretch into a smile that Ueda can’t bring himself to undo.

#03 - Soft
Ueda is hard muscles, tightened and trained, chiseled abs and sharp cheekbones; his imagination is equally so: a werewolf with a feral smirk, pointy ears and something wicked in his eyes; but when Kame moves to get up and trips over Nakamaru’s bag, toppling over a startled Ueda, he lands on lips as soft as plush.

#04 - Pain
Leave, Ueda tells himself, turning away just as he sees the flash of Kame’s hand finding Nakamaru’s; don’t listen, is his private command when Nakamaru is smiling Kazuya into his phone; don’t look he hisses so harshly that he could have said it out loud but even then he looks and sees Nakamaru and Kame as they always are-together-and his heart crumples like a paper ball, a plotline gone astray, never meant to be.

#05 - Potatoes
“If you’re calling your fans potatoes, I’m calling mine fairies,” Ueda announces, making Nakamaru snort and Kame pipe in-“what should I call mine?”-and Ueda can’t help answering-“confused”-which has him laughing until Nakamaru points out, “I guess that explains you.”

#06 - Rain
Ueda had always been the weird kid who’d grow a spring in his step as soon as the clouds gathered; the rain was his friend, it would drown out any whispers at his back and gift him with puddles to kick and splash, and many years later it still was, this time gifting him with a drenched, pissed-off Kamenashi in a pair of pants clinging to his hips and a shirt gone translucent.

#07 - Chocolate
Ueda only knows that Valentine’s Day is approaching when he makes the mistake to go out and his senses are assaulted with pinks and reds and endless solicitations to buy stupid stuffed animals for his darling girlfriend that, admittedly, Kame would adore and it’s there-standing stunned in front of a gaudy display of chocolates stacked into a giant heart-that Ueda realises he’s in a romantic relationship with his groupmate.

#08 - Happiness
“You should have let me clean up your place earlier if it was going to make you this happy-look, we’ll actually be able to find the bed now,” Kame says, gesturing to the spotless floor that was cluttered with boxes and clothes just a week ago, and bed benefits aside, Ueda was happier to have Kame filling up his apartment in his ratty clean-up shirt and towel-wrapped hair for days than anything else, to the point that he was already plotting another mess.

#09 - Telephone
“I lost your phone number,” Kame says with his eyes glancing to the side, as if that explains why he’s at Ueda’s door dressed like he walked off the runway when Ueda hasn’t even made breakfast yet, and then the panic of missing a meeting or photoshoot kicks in before it’s replaced with an entirely different sort of panic that comes with your messy childhood friend slash co-worker asking, “can I take you on a date?”

#10 - Ears
All it takes is a breath, a light, careless exhalation against the curve of the shell and Ueda relishes the aftermath that follows: the gasp, the shudder that runs down Kame’s body, the goosebumps along his skin, and the embarrassed flush that’s topped off with a reprimanding scowl that only makes his smirk broaden.


kameda, drabble

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