
May 12, 2011 11:58

When: May 11 - 14.
Where: All purpose district 1 & 2, the carnival.
Warnings: Will be individually marked if necessary ( Read more... )

stephanie brown, river tam, heine rammsteiner, mei chan, john, freya, irene, yachiru kusajishi, rex salazar, kurogane, scar, buffy summers, nymphadora tonks, lust, rapunzel, shirley, meguro gau, spike, remus lupin, dawn summers, arthur pendragon, desmond miles, byakuya kuchiki, fai d. flourite, miki sayaka, deneve, riza hawkeye

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THE FAIRE supercilious May 12 2011, 02:29:21 UTC
[ Alongside all this organized violence runs the entertainment. For four whole days, frivolity and madness spills from the carnival and fairground into the streets of Anatole. Minstrels and puppeteers, a town crier to announce the events, the usual carnival rides and attractions and sideshows, a veritable feast of faux-medieval food and drink... and yes, Ye Olde Kissing Booth. ]


oh god why am i doing this charmprince May 13 2011, 05:48:47 UTC
[Well, she had wanted to save the money, but she'd set aside a pocketful of Ivories to use for 'fun things', and what could be more fun than kissing complete strangers, right?

...Maybe she should rephrase that thought. Anyway, she assumed it was for a good cause-- these sorts of things usually were--, so it couldn't hurt, could it? Besides, he was kind of cute-- in an energetic, a-little-too-cheerful way. It was this or a turkey leg, and she wasn't really hungry, after all.]

How much?


Because no one can resist! i_love_squats May 13 2011, 05:57:14 UTC
[Well, one might insist that Zack is a turkey, so this is LIKE getting a turkey leg. Hey, it's the best of both worlds, right?

[Hmm, but a turkey leg did sound good...

[Oh, hey, cute girl, three-o-clock! Time to turn on the ol' SOLDIER charm! Bright smile, a little sparkle in the eye, and a ever-so-subtle lean onto his elbows. Yeah. That's the ticket.]

Well, some might say something like this is priceless, but for you... how about ten ivories?

[Can you say no to this face?]


no one ever :c charmprince May 13 2011, 06:01:12 UTC
[His hair's shiny enough that it might even be exactly as greasy-- no, that's mean.

Of course, even if she's got her own magical Charm, SOLDIER charm is nothing to sneeze at. But then, neither are ten Ivories. She makes a show of looking him over, weighing the money in her hand, and juuuust when she feels like she might be dragging it out too long, she drops the Ivories onto the counter.]

Maybe a little expensive, but I'm behind on my luxury spending as is. [She's grinning, though. It's kind of cute, his eagerness. Definitely amusing.]


/patpat It's okay. You never stood a chance. i_love_squats May 13 2011, 06:09:55 UTC
[Greasy?! Why, that's pure Awesome in its base liquid form! You could bottle and sell that at any fine and upstanding boutique! Watch your heathen tongue, missy!

[Zack's smile started to fade a little over the show of debate, and it eased off into a puppy pout. Yes, see, look what you've done! Almost a quiver lip at that. Don't you feel bad?

[But hey! Something must have worked because she agreed in the end. Note to self: Technique worked!]

I'm alllll luxury, and I'll be happy to show you. [Yes, it did sound cheesy coming from him. No, he didn't regret it. Either way, though, he leaned out of the booth and puckered up his lips....]


oh shit he broke out the pout. charmprince May 13 2011, 06:19:21 UTC
That so?

[She stands corrected-- especially with that pout, which had her almost feeling bad. Not quite, though, and though she rolled her eyes at the pure cheese of that line, and debated the wisdom of playing around a little, she eventually decided to be nice-- teasing puppies was particularly bad karma-- and lean in, a chaste little kiss that was more playful than anything else.]


Gotta fight dirty sometimes... i_love_squats May 13 2011, 18:27:58 UTC
So I've been told!

[Win. Win! Smiling, he met her halfway, keeping it chaste; after all, he was practically taken and he didn't want to be murdered and smeared across the booth. Plus, it was always a little awkward kissing random folks, chaste or not; sure, other countries might think differently, but where he was from, well... they were a bit prude.

[How his mom would stare at him now, stare and shake her head.

[Leaning back, he smiled and rested his chin in his palm.]

So, are you having fun?


/shakes head. charmprince May 16 2011, 07:39:33 UTC
[...Worth it, she decided, before answering the question.]

Fun? I'd say so. It's a nice change of pace, that's for sure. Something about competition is pretty nice, and then all the interesting people to look at and things to see... Yeah, it's fun. Half-wish I'd dressed up, but I've seen what the seamstresses have made for this, and it's.... [Really, really strange. Who WORE such things?] Uh, not for me.

What about you? I mean, obviously you're enjoying yourself-- how could you not, with such cute girls coming by? [She's joking, but faux pride is fun, too.] But aside from that, I mean.


sob. supercilious May 13 2011, 22:25:11 UTC
[ Look, it wasn't that he was stopping by the place for anything elicit. Surely his decisive stance against the booth on the network would stop that thought from entering anyone's head. But he was the ringleader of this circus, or would have considered himself such if he knew what either of those terms meant, and therefore he was obliged to wander from attraction to attraction - when he wasn't in the stands watching the infinitely preferable tournament. ]

[ But there could not be fighting all the time, and so it was that Arthur came by to scowl at Ye Olde Kissing Booth, its ridiculous superfluous e seeming to epitomize everything that was wrong here - no, not wrong, just different. But it was jarring and uncomfortable to be surrounded by anachronisms, to be reminded painfully of home while simultaneously reminded just how far away it really was. ]

[ Probably standing contemplatetatively outside the kissing booth gave the wrong impression. Especially given he seemed to be very near the half devoted to- was that Zack? Christ.I ( ... )


Ye (Tr)Olde Kissing Booth - Zack's Side is Open for Kissin' halcyonthird May 14 2011, 01:22:16 UTC
[Oh, just passing by before her first match. She's not in line (or is she?), but just plunging her sword into the ground with a thunk and ...leaning on it. It's as if she's mistaking this for front row seating.]


Ye (Tr)Olde Kissing Booth - I see you... i_love_squats May 14 2011, 01:39:26 UTC
[Zack has quite the way with people, doesn't he? Leaning out, smiling, waving at the ladies. All the ladies. Oh, yeah, the ladi--

[Oh, Shiva. Ladies with swords. One lady with one sword, and can feel his blood run cold. Yep, probably should've gotten permission first.

[Clearing his throat, his smile finds a shaky path onto his lips.]

H-Hey, Irene. Nice day, huh?


Ye (Tr)Olde Kissing Booth - leers at from the ceiling halcyonthird May 14 2011, 20:22:50 UTC
[He does, he does.

Yes, Zack. All the ladies. Her expression doesn't change, but come on, that's pretty much a given. She smirking a little on the inside, though, eyes to the writing above the booth.

Ah, it is front row seating.]

As fine as any day for a fight. But now I wonder...

...is it better for kissing?


twoswordjuniper May 13 2011, 08:36:54 UTC
[Deneve isn't particularly interested or enamored with much of anything at the faire or tourney. Contests of skill seem so unnecessary when you spend practically every day in battle. But she does make the rounds of stalls and events to see what the rest of the people see in it. And the only thing to catch her eye is the kissing booth, and only because she recognizes it's occupant.]



r-rofl! slight misunderstaaaaanding! sonvisage May 14 2011, 01:10:26 UTC
[Her expression changes to slight surprise, and her smile is not unpleasant. It might even be a little worn. She nods in recognition - a slight incline of her head - it's the greeting Deneve had favored when she'd first made her acquaintance and is surely appropriate?]


[Eyes to the queue that Zack has amassed. Eyes back to Deneve.]

Are you sure you're in the right line? [Not that she wouldn't Deneve, but this is just a little unexpected.]


haha, this is what Dene gets for not reading the booth! twoswordjuniper May 14 2011, 08:24:38 UTC
[She returns the little nod.]

I'm not in a line.

[At least she didn't think she was. She didn't really look at what sort of a booth this was, not having any real interest in it outside of the fact that Iolanthe was there so she glances at it now. It doesn't make much sense to her but it's of little matter.]

We haven't spoken in some time.

[The question implied but not asked is How are you doing?


hey it could be worse! sonvisage May 14 2011, 17:04:50 UTC
[Fair enough, then. Is that disappointment in her smile now? You will never know, Deneve. Neither will she.

And since there isn't a line on her side, she'll toss a little glare in the direction of Zack and his line (Tch.) before stepping out from her booth and toward the warrior.

What is smalltalk, anyway?]

Anatole still stands, somehow. It's good to see that you do, too. For a few moments there, I thought we were all going to drop like flies.


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