[ Masquerade ]

Jun 09, 2011 21:09

Who: Everyone! Even the grouches :D
When: Friday Evening
Where: Park
Format: Paragraph/action/whatever you like
What: Masquerade Par-tay!
Warnings: None...yet.

The park was lit up by lights and of course the stars that night. Tents were pitched up where refreshments and food were served. Tables and chairs were scattered throughout the space and ( Read more... )

spencer reid, stephanie brown, gwen tennyson, hitsugaya toshiro, irene, yachiru kusajishi, snake-eyes, bellatrix lestrange, nymphadora tonks, lilly rush, xerxes break, tseng, shirley, miranda lotto, quorra, rukia kuchiki, asellus, remus lupin, dawn summers, rin okumura, byakuya kuchiki, trevor belmont, ezio auditore da firenze, riza hawkeye, clare, juushirou ukitake, mei chan, john, priscilla, freya, lelouch vi britannia, rex salazar, buffy summers, lust, raki, spike, sebastian michaelis, zack fair, rhode kamelot

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[closedish to Tonks BUT I AM COOL WITH MULTIPLE THREADS] lestrangestone June 10 2011, 12:56:56 UTC
[Winding her way through the crowd, head high and mask-obscured, hair pulled into a reasonable coif, not even black-clad. She's gone for green instead - this is echoed in her careful and purposeful (will link here if i ever find the mask again) choice of mask.

She'd considered killing the shopgirl until her eyes had been caught by that piece.

A sign?


So close now as she passes them - some here and some there - a smattering of faces that she recognizes from the network, some that she's spoke to briefly. Some that she's spoke to at length.

Some she's hurled curses at with pride and fury and a smile.

Ah, look. There's one now.]


[ooc] lumenrelegandus June 10 2011, 17:47:41 UTC
[not this one?]


[ooc] lestrangestone June 10 2011, 18:14:35 UTC
[nail. head. you hit it, yes. although her mask is ...feline.]


this could be the end to everything wotchesyou June 14 2011, 14:55:27 UTC
[ If you know her, Tonks is noticeable.

She's wearing a mask, a simple purple one and is in the guise of one of Queen Titania's fairy servants, Peaseblossom. She is clumsier than some of the other guests. Her hair starts at turquoise but morphs into a glittering mess of magenta and amethyst hues at the end. It's not a wig, not even a high-priced one. The hair is Tonks herself.

When the music ends, she steps away from her dance partner. Briefly, she glances towards Remus. She smiles slightly but doesn't approach him. Truthfully, the last dance had left her feeling slightly parched and she wanted something to drink. She's not a clingy date. She can give him a bit of space.

She starts to walk towards the refreshment tent and passes by an elegant woman wearing green. ]

Excuse me.

[ Tonks says, for no other reason than politeness and how close she passes by her.

She should not have been so polite. ]


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