Who: Everyone! Even the grouches :D
When: Friday Evening
Where: Park
Format: Paragraph/action/whatever you like
What: Masquerade Par-tay!
Warnings: None...yet.
park was lit up by lights and of course the stars that night. Tents were pitched up where refreshments and food were served. Tables and chairs were scattered throughout the space and
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you all know this mysterious masked man is the most manly man at this party. he is the man you wish your man could be. let's make it worse and mention the fact that he looks like a gqmf in that suit and he's totally got a hot date. together, they are probably the 'hottest masquerade couple' and you know it.
you jelly?
manliness and shenanigans aside, he's actually here for a reason! and it's not because a small child told him to escort shirley, nope, not entirely. he's here to do some recon hell yeah, and scope out some native political climate. time to eavesdrop these bitches. ]
Not always, no.
but w/e, returning the smile and falling quiet. she is pretty content with silence, especially around him.]
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