[The feed clatters on to a view of a flight of steps in front of a building, which, to those who have been here long enough, is recognizable as the Clinic. There's a man attempting to climb them, an unconscious woman hanging limply off his back. Only the profile of his face and her long black hair are visible on the feed, but those that are familiar with them will recognize them immediately as Scar and Lust (or Iolanthe, or Miss Silk).
The man appears to be wounded, bleeding from at least a few places--some more heavily than others--and one arm clutched tightly against his side. The woman is likely in a similar condition, but that's difficult to determine from her position on his back. He's breathing raggedly, and there are several moments of pause at every step.
By the time he's at the top of the stairs, Scar is too far away from the fallen Forge for his face to be seen clearly; all that can be made out is that he continues to stagger towards the building. He's only a few steps shy of the door when his knees buckle and he collapses to the ground.
The feed idles out after a few more minutes.]
[ooc: The aftermath of
this log...which has yet to be filled out. Video or audio reactions will receive no reply, as they're both unconscious and the Forge is at the bottom of a flight of stairs. Action threads of finding them/dragging them into the clinic are perfectly welcome and encouraged however :D]