Apr 18, 2011 20:33
[Did you miss seeing random birds appearing on your Forge? Well, Hades has got you covered! And if you didn't, well... too bad. Sorry.
An uncommonly large raven, standing very still on what looks like a weathered railing, is the focus of the video feed (Hades is nowhere to be seen). In the distance there is only fog and -- water?]
This is farther from the Sea I know than I thought possible.
[Yes, definitely water. The sound of waves crashing is easily covered by Hades's voice. People familiar with some landmarks in Anatole might recognize the view in the feed from the Lighthouse on the coast.
The raven does not stir until Hades's black-furred hand is extended. Spreading its wings, the raven half hops, half flies onto his arm.]
[He moves his arm, along with the raven, out of view.]
Farther from my brothers, as well.
medicine seller,