[video : accidental]

May 29, 2011 23:09

[The Forge flicks on, and not a moment later a black band shoots past it, black like ink except when it hits the ground it doesn’t splatter, but rather pierces straight through stone.

Follow the path of that band and it leads back to the head of a girl who looks harmless, unless you notice that several other clumps of her hair have grown to unnatural length and consistency and have torn up the ground around an obvious battlezone. That, and the disarming smile on her face.]

Will you continue to be difficult, then?

Difficult? Is that what I’m being?

[A glance at the stone as its’ struck - had that been meant for her? She’s a little sure it had. What she isn’t sure about is why this causes her to smile in return. It’s not all artifice as it curves her lips - it’s exhilaration - and a bit of unfamiliar fear. This fear is different from the paralyzing helplessness she’s felt before. This is fear that causes her to move.]

I suppose you’d like me to just stand still for this?

[More ribbons shoot out; more land like small explosions turning up the earth, but strangely none of them hit Lust. It’s almost as if she’s missed, except the bands interlock and weave and form something like a birdcage around the woman.]

Oh, no. Right now what I’d call you is entertaining, and if you stood still it would be no fun!

[A second glance at her new prison, before deciding she’d much rather be free (thank you, but no). Although being on the other side of this is certainly different. Ink echoes ink as flesh gives way to blades - fingers to spears bursting forth and slicing ribbons to ribbons.

It’s nothing personal, Riful. Well, not really. She only cares a little as she strikes again, an upward sweep of arcing spires, aiming just shy of the not-girl’s shoulder. She hasn’t had a fight like this in a very long time---

---or actually, ever.]

Well, we can’t have that~

[Riful jerks back as those talons slice through her body, recognizing the danger of them.]

Hmm, how remarkable! [And it is; Riful’s true form is nearly indestructible through normal means. Clearly, this woman and her powers are far from normal.

That means that she’s through messing around. One small arm raises and promptly bursts into countless ribbons, all of them aimed at the woman.]

[It’s a last minute deflect - and there’s marked concentration on her features as she moves - her own blades slicing through what is now empty air and a rain of shattered black - fast but not fast enough to remain unscathed. Also presently marking her features is a flow of blood as her cheek is laid open - droplets flying as she tosses her head, readies herself for another strike. The flesh is already knitting itself back together as she does.]

I would say you caught me on my best side but I don’t have a---


As a section of wall comes down on top of Lust’s speech and the woman herself and crumbles on impact, large chunks of aged stonework flying all around and adding to the chaos of the scene.]

You talk too much. [Riful pulls her many separated limbs out of what was once a building, causing more of it to dislodge heavily on the ground and causing the Forge to jump and cut off in a burst of dust and static.]

[ooc: lust = green, riful = purple. And punt me to the moon or ask me to delete or something if it is not cool that I posted this, okay?]

!lust, deneve, remus lupin, !riful

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