Who: Bellatrix Lestrange (
lestrangestone ) and Heine Rammsteiner (
stray_gunner )
When: backdated to November 11th, evening.
Where: At the edge of the city, near the ruins.
Format: Paragraph?
What: Bella's back and more ready for Heine's freaky mutant abilities, so of course Heine goes looking for her. Not that he has to look much - she's got a Dark Mark up and floating unconscious natives!
Warnings: Violence! Blood! Gore! All that good stuff.
He isn't doing this because he wants to stop her from anything. No, he says to himself, it isn't. It's only to make sure that she isn't even more of a threat than before.
You have gone soft, haven't you?
Heine shakes his head and tries to pretend that he hadn't heard that - made more difficult for him because it had kind of been inside his head. No wonder people thought he was crazy.
Looking up again, he sees the strange thing that he assumes the woman (Bellatrix, he'd heard someone call her) had made, one way or another. A skull with a snake hanging out of its mouth. Tacky, the Dog decides, and his mouth twitches. And idiotic. Just like you. I'm surprised you two are getting along as badly as you have, master.
He manages a scowl and shakes off the voice (his own) and instead looks for the person who had called him there, to the edge of the city.
Called you like a dog to its owner, his very own mental advisor adds, unhelpful as always, and Heine scowls.