Lessons Learned [CLOSED]

Dec 19, 2011 20:52

Who: pratservant & buryindecadence
When: 12/9, a week after this
Where: The ruins.
Format: action~
What: Gun safety 101 for Merlin... because he's frankly shocked that he's been here this long and doesn't know what a gun is.
Warnings: None anticipated!

[By the time Merlin likely arrives, Cas has arranged the limited number of firearms he owns -- two, to be exact -- dismantled for ( Read more... )

merlin, castiel (future)

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Comments 13

pratservant December 20 2011, 06:02:56 UTC
[He'd never given guns much thought. They were weapons, he knew that much. But most of the people that Merlin knew used swords, and they seemed perfectly capable of killing.]

[But now he finds himself a little curious, if only because he'd spoken to Cas and found him pleasant, and Cas seemed to think he should know more about them for his own good. And where was the harm in that? Better safe than sorry, Merlin reasons.]

[Merlin pauses, blinks once at the shotgun and a second time at the question. Danger? Animosity?]

Oh. I once saw a Pixie with a tongue that long. She used it to catch flies.

[That was pretty menacing, though more for Gaius than him. Merlin does know that it's not good to have a crossbow pointed at you that way, but they have bolts with sharp, pointy ends. The shotgun just has a hole...which Merlin pokes at idly.]


dfdjskgh SO CUTE buryindecadence December 21 2011, 04:53:47 UTC
[The ex-angel has to use considerable effort to resist the urge to laugh at the way the sorcerer prods at the dark barrel of his shotgun. Eventually, Cas just lowers it -- brow furrowing at that part about a... a pixie.]

This long? ...Seriously?

[Cas glances down at it, considers and mentally explores most of the broad spectrum of potential behind something like that and... quietly backs away from the subject entirely.]

You really have no idea how these work, do you?

Alright. This here? It's called a shotgun... c'mere and I'll show you the others.


pratservant December 22 2011, 19:08:54 UTC
They're very fond of older men.

[Just another tidbit of information that Merlin knows about them.]

[So the one as long as a pixie's tongue is a shotgun. He can remember that. Merlin steps forward, resisting his natural urge to touch things and pick them up - be nosy in general. He does realize that these are weapons, even if he's not familiar with them.]

Do you know about swords and other weapons too? Or are there only these where you come from?


buryindecadence December 23 2011, 03:02:40 UTC
[Cas' brows lift again, and suddenly he's sputtering into another fit of giggles -- Older men? That's... interesting. Considering he's been alive, technically speaking, at least long enough to witness the fateful evolutionary leap of one little gray fish.

The freakishly long tongue sounds a bit too fetishistic for him, however.]

Haha, hah... yeah, sure. [He wipes at the corner of one eye as he recovers.]

I'm a little more knowledgeable with the short sword than with any other. And guns, a bit.

[The weapon itself is not loaded, so the ex-angel allows Merlin to explore it via more tactile means before offering it up entirely, then pointing to the dismantled others on the table.]

Wanna learn how this thing works or get introduced to the rest of the family?


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