Nov 15, 2011 23:52

Got Assassin's Creed: Revelations! Finally! :D

I was looking forward to the trip to the store all day at school, and school's been pretty good this week as well. Yay!
I met up with my sis at the plaza and we picked up the game, also had a little chat to the guys at the store, they were nice and let me buy a Saints Row 3 t-shirt for $5. I asked them what age I had to be to apply for a job and since I'm 16, I'm going to try applying there next year sometime. It always feels good to connect with fellow gamers offline. :)
The walk home was a pain in the ass since it's getting much hotter now, but it was worth it. I was already bouncing around with excitement just from seeing the main menu and hearing the music. I even deafened my sister with squeals of joy when she called me up to see if I had gotten home safely.

Then I started fangirling over finally getting to meet Subject 16, he's insane, but still cool. Then I had a little cry after having my hopes crushed over a certain character... but hoping that everything will be fixed in the end of the game. 
Constantinople is an amazing place! I'd love to go there one day, the place just looks so beautiful. I'll be honest and say that I prefer it over Rome from AC: Brotherhood. :P
Yusuf Tazim is a cheeky bugger, I like him. And I was squee'ing at the beginning of the game when Altair's ghost kept showing Ezio where to go. Oh, and I thought I wouldn't like Ezio's new look... nope, I love it. He looks good for his age!
Right now I'm friggin' desperate to play the Altair memories. I want to see Maria! I'm hoping Malik returns as well, but hearing his voice for another character makes me think that he might not be in Revelations... oh well, *cries*.

Anyways, break time's over. Back to the game! 
7hanks for lis7ening! :)

!games: assassin's creed

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