Set on an alternate Earth, Academy of Hart follows the war between a well-intentioned extremist [Kresoveer and his Order of the Luminous Knights] against the very students he tried to recruit to his cause and failed to do so [the Alliance of Heroes]. Both sides have had their share of troubles, triumphs, and everything else that comes with a war. While you guys have mostly seen the perspective of the Alliance, there have been some interesting stories to tell with those that have decided to join the United World Government and Kresoveer's cause to "bring light to the whole world". It's a good cause, but the Order's methods don't seem to justify the means, which is why the Alliance is so adamant about fighting them.
My character, Emily Madsen, is only one of the founding members of the Alliance of Heroes and one of the few people left standing to witness first-hand how utterly mad Kresoveer has gone in his goal of purifying the world.
Our H E R O I N E
Emily Madsen is one of the main heroines of the Academy of Hart story, and has been involved with it ever since the beginning. She started off as a mostly ordinary high schooler trying to figure out where she stood in the world, only to be swept into a conspiracy and war that she never dreamed possible.
After fighting not only her brainwashed friends and her own literal inner demon, she ended up being the school's new "Chief of Student Security", only to find out that what she originally thought was over was really only just beginning. She, along with several other students, are approached by Kresoveer himself after an incident occurred, trapping several of the girls inside their own nightmares (including herself), and he ends up sending some shadow monsters [essentially Heartless] to kill off the weaker students. After seeing what had happened, naturally, they refused, and were going to be frozen in time for an eternity, but as a last jab, the school's defense system kicked in, weakening the magic significantly enough to make the magic last for about two years instead of forever.
After the two years were up, the group woke to find out that Kresoveer had somehow effectively taken over the world and that the majority of the population either believed his insane ramblings or were in hiding in order to keep from getting killed.
What to know about her: The younger Madsen sibling is a strong fighter and probably one of the most experienced fighters within the Alliance - fitting, considering she's considered to be one of their top active combat specialists (about second only to her sensei/idkbff Takeshi) and alongside Takeshi and her now-dead boyfriend, were three of the few people who had survived the original ZERO incident.
Emily "Lii" Madsen
PB: Briana Evigan
Codename: Scion of the Heavenly Flame
scorchingheaven Allegiance/Ranking: Alliance of Heroes - Combat Specialist [Founding member]
Unfortunately, due to the nature of the OU being that of a series of forum-based RPs and not my own creation, I cannot give you guys most of the actual characters that Madsen herself would actually know or would've mentioned during her tenure here in Promenade, including her sensei/idkbff, boyfriend, or even her student [of which the latter two are unfortunately dead]. But who I can give you is this fine young man:
Looking for R E D E M P T I O N
Jake Madsen is the older brother of Prom's resident tsundere pyrokinetic and the one that she's currently trying to reach out to in order to prevent his death at the hands of one of his former teammates. He's three years older than her (making him 24 at this point), and after a long and irritating (at least in his sister's mind) journey, he is now working for the Alliance.
As far as relationships go, he and Emily get along - for the most part. Whereas she's hot-headed, impulsive, and quick-tempered, he's calm, collected, and very deliberate in his actions. While he does share the same pyrokinetic abilities as his sister, his fighting prowess lies more within being subtle with his techniques - trapping his opponents and giving them limited avenues to attack. His weapons of choice are his old service handgun and a pair of nightsticks
that he has learned to wield like tonfa.
What to know about him: He's a hell of a lot less reckless than his sister, more precise and subtle with both how he acts and his fighting style. However, he and his sister do share a very strong sense of honor and will do whatever it takes to make things right. He honors the code that their father instilled in them above all else, and holds family in high regard.
;Jake "Hellblazer" Madsen
PB: Jensen Ackles
Codename: Hellblazer
redeemingflame Allegiance/Ranking: Patrons of the Crusade [Now the Order of the Luminous Knights] - Colonel [AWOL]
Alliance of Heroes - Intelligence Officer/Field Agent
In addition to our two siblings, there's one more person that I ended up adding in when expanding on the siblings' backstory that you guys might be interested in:
Always a S O L D I E R
Ben Madsen is the father of our two siblings, and has some very interesting secrets of his own that he has yet to share with his two children - back in the day, he used to be the leader of his own unit in the Army, which mostly consisted of "empowered" people like himself and his eventual children.
At this point, though, he's completely unaware of the fact that he even has children - this version of him is only in his mid-late 20's and is still working in the Army.
What to know about him: After talking with him a bit, you'll see why Jake and Emily both hold their father in high regard - despite his position, Ben has several rules that he will never compromise on and off the battlefield, including trusting his instincts and what he believes above all else.
; Ben "Hellwalker" Madsen
PB: Henry Cavill
Codename: Hellwalker
Journal: N/A
Allegiance/Ranking: U.S. Army - EICU [Empowered Individuals Combat Unit] - Captain
For the most part, what I can offer is the main details of what's been going on in the universe (and I might have to consult with a friend of mine who is actually responsible for starting this whole thing up in the first place), and ideas on what's going on if you decide to have a character on one side or another. I'm also willing to draw up icons and maybe do paid time depends how my budget looks later this year for your accounts.