Here’s an overview of college as I see it so far. Now that I’ve had all of my scheduled classes, lectures, discussions, et cetera I think I’ve got a pretty good idea of how this is going to go down. Don’t get me wrong, I like college, but this is going to sound like it’s a terrible place. Bear with me, I have a bad cold so it’s hard to look up when your face feels like it wants to break and your ribs don’t want to be there. Speaking of ribs, did you know/I heard that the state of Kansas doesn’t teach evolution? That seems a bit backwards to me because, while I do believe God created the heavens and the earth, I don’t think I’d be afraid to tell you you’re batshit crazy if you seriously believe something as complicated as woman was created by taking one of Adam’s ribs. Back to topic; here are a few points of view about college at the University of Kansas.
- I’m really glad for my teachers that have gotten down to business. I usually hate the first week of school when all the teachers go over their particular syllabi because they’re basically unloading everything on you at once and, even though you know you’ve got a whole semester to go through this stuff, it really is overwhelming to have it all come down on you like that, especially when you do it 3 times a day.
- College will not be more difficult than high school. I know that I went to a very good high school so this experience/ revelation/ whatever might only apply to a few people. I’m not bragging that I’m some sort of super genius or anything, I’m just saying that I am a fairly smart guy and that this should not be tougher than it has to be.
- I miss home.
- I will probably be sick of the dining hall food by the end of the year. There’s something about it that it’s not bad and there’s no reason to complain, yet this food isn’t going to win any awards.
- I’m losing any favor I had for cell phones. Yes, I appreciate the convenience of being able to call people from wherever or the help they are if I’m stuck somewhere, but my god do you really need to have a god damn phone attached to your ear. I don’t know, maybe this is just the headache talking, but I really just got sick of everybody on campus talking on their phone and not paying attention to what they’re doing.
- Alcohol. I realize that just because I don’t drink everyone else won’t either. I don’t have a problem with you if you drink. If that’s what you want to do then more power to you. However, I do have a problem with drunk people [mainly girls]. Yes, I appreciate your newfound affection for me but A) I like to be remembered the next day and B) I don’t want to be able to smell the 10 fucking shots you just took coming off of your breath before you walk into the fucking room ok?
That’s all. Despite the way this sounds I have met a lot of cool people and had good times but these points are easier to tell and the others are more relevant if you were present.