First of all, yeah, I know I'm late with this -- SHADDUP, I'VE BEEN BUSY. XP
*ahem* ...*SNEEEEEEERK*
Dumbledore... Is gay. XDDDD OF COURSE HE IS~... XD!
Actually, no, I believe this wholeheartedly. In fact, I believe Rowling did know this years ago. Maybe not from the very beginning, or maybe she did, but I believe she's known this for a while. Wanna know why? Coz she's a FANGIRL! XD! Dude, and I'VE known this a while now. She's as transparent as Kishimoto. I love her. I hate her. She gives me inspiration and faith and (as well as others, of course) confirms that the world has gone nuts. XDDDD I mean, sure, on the one hand guessing is half the fun, but knowing is pretty damn fun too. ;D I mean, when I saw Naota kiss Haruko after five episodes of wishing and waiting, I was on top of the world -- I can only imagine how those Dumbledore/Grindelwald fans felt, especially if they've been around a while.
Dude. We need to set up a betting pool on Naruto. Now that Rowling came out of the closet, it's only a matter of time until ninja boffing and Sasuke's alcoholism is made clear. SO LONG, CHILDHOOD! Sorry about the molestation! 8D
In other news... I'm so effing in love with this song right now... X3~