Cause I had nerthin' to do.
About you::
First Name- Scott
Middle Name- Allen
Last Name- Hatteberg
Age- Can I just say "old enough" and avoid truly answering the question?
Birthday- December 14, in an undisclosed year
Location- at a computer right this moment
School- o' hard knocks
Job- bigfatlazyperson who occasionally plays first base for the Oakland A's >=/
What color are your eyes- blue
What color is your hair- Red. But if Byrnesie calls me Ginger one more time, I'm dying it purple.
How tall are you- around 6' somewhere
Nationality- half-Irish, half-Italian, half-Mexican
Growing up::
Did you have a best friend?- A different one about every year. I'm a fickle fellow.
Did you sleep with stuffed animals?- Still do, when the occasion calls for it, but mostly with Mel nowadays.
Were you scared of the dark? Wasn't everybody?
Did you like to get dirty?- Again. Still do.
In the past 24 hours::
Have you said "I love you"- Well, not those three words together. I said "love you too" to Scutaro last night when he told me I needed a "brain implant" ... right before he tripped over his own shoelace and faceplanted into Byrnesie.
Have you cried- Notsomuch, no.
Have you laughed- HAHA now I have.
Have you talked on the phone- Nope
Have you seen a friend- Mhm
Have you watched TV- Little bit, to see the Houston/Texas score. Sorry to see the loss, Brandon, but for what it's worth, your pants looked really sexy.
Have you watched a movie- Honestly? Cinderella.
Have you been in a car- No, I flew to the Coliseum in my Superman cape.
Have you had a dream- Mhm. Brandon Backe caught a fish with his bare hands and Nicky got bitten by a vicious worm. Analyze that.
Have you been kissed- Mel licked me a little bit, as did - um - Mark.
Have you seen your parents- Uh no.
Have you been out of town- 24 hours? No, but Seattle's not too far behind me.
Have you taken a shower- Yesh, three. =) =) =) Ahem.
Have you listened to the radio- I yam right now.
Have you read a book- Amphigorey Too. Geniusness and geniosity.
Do you have a best friend- Sort of hard to choose just one, but my baby Mel's pretty near the top of the list. (I know, I know. I'm "one of those cat-people.)
How long have you known your best friend- Mel? Like a month
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend- Yes! And I'm married too! =D
How long have you been together- God, I'm worse with anniversaries than I am with birthdays.
Are you inlove- Of course. Quite frequently.
Have you ever been in love- I am right now, duh
Do you have any kids- Three girls and my kitty.
If not, Do you want any- Ha! Had quite an in-depth conversation with Lizzie about this only yesterday. Went something like this:
Lizzie: GAH. People like you shouldn't be permitted to breed.
Me: So stop getting pregnant.
Lizzie: So stop sleeping with me.
Me: Fine, I will.
Lizzie: Fine!
Me: Fine!
So, in summary, no more. But who knows? Things happen.
Movie- LABYRINTH! No, I don't know.
TV Show- I don't watch TV shows except cartoons occasionally.
Ice Cream- Now, that is an unfair question without first letting me sample every single one. I want to try that green tea kind something you wouldn't believe though. Anybody ever had that?
Car- spray-painted black 1984 Cadillac with woodgrain down the sides and plastic wrap windows. Bitchin.
Band- Guster, Oasis, Beatles, Doors, NIN, Metallica, etc. etc...
Singer- Hendrix probably.
Color- AQUA. ?
Boy Name- Morgan, Montgomery. And I'm madly in love with Richie of course.
Girl Name- Melody, Mischa. Hm. I must have a thing for M's.
Food- the edible kind
Number- 8882354875695124.223
Salad dressing- I'm getting kind of bored with this. Umm, vinaigrettes, whatever.
Candy Bar- I'd have to sample again. ...and I blame my gaining weight on Dan Johnson for stealing my field time...
Pastime- Teeheehee... I suppose I could be not-tacky and just say "baseball"
Holiday- Arbor Day is so underrated
Drink- Used to like scotch and soda, but someone ruined that for me, Mark. Bailey's and ice, then. And orange juice.
Shoes- Dutch klogs
Season- It's the time of the seeeason for loooviiiing...
Resturant- <-- Spelled wrong. >=*/
Month- October. Standard baseball answer number one.
State- Euphoria.
Country- Fantasia
Sport- Oh come the fuck on.
Store- wtf
Have you ever::
Driven a car- Weren't you paying attention? I have a Superman cape. Why would I need to?
Been swimming in the ocean- I'm deathly afraid of jellyfish.Had a bad experience.
Been fishing- Lots.
Been Camping- Halfway?
Been mudriding- Ew, no
Been horse back-riding- Nope.
Been hunting- Me with a gun? That's hilarious. I don't even open champagne bottles.
Been on a boat- Been on yer mom.
Been rock climbing- Nope, you couldn't pay me enough.
Been to another country- A few, but gosh-dangit, I've still never seen the British Isles.
Been to an R rated movie- GASP! I would never!
Been in a wreck- ...
Your House::
Where are you now- That's creepy
Do you have your own room- No, my wife just insists on living here. Sigh.
What color is your room- Blue and tan with white crown molding and whatever that stuff is called that goes around the middle of a room. Wainscoting? I don't know, I need to brush up on my Trading Spaces.
Do you have your own bathroom- No ~>=/
What color is your bathroom- Pink. Gag.
Do you have a back yard- Wittle one.
How many TV's do you have- 47 and a half.
How many phones do you have- One that I can't find
This or That::
Coke or Pepsi- Sake
Gold or Silver- Silver bullet
Rose or Tulip- Iris
Car or Truck- ...whatever.
TV or Computer- Depends if anything good is on
McDonalds or Burger King- Mmm whopper
Adidas or Nike- Nike, I guess. ?
Rock or Rap - Rap, B! Straight up! ...just....kidding.
School or Work- None of the above
Black or White- Trying to pin me for a racist now?
Burgers or Hot Dogs- Burgers. Never met a burger I couldn't stand. Have met plenty of nasty hot dogs
Mexico or Canada- Hm, Mexico has fajitas and Canada has Richie.... better let me think a while...
Chocolate or Vanilla- CHOCOLATE. But I don't nee-hee-heeed it!! GRR. Temptation.
What comes to mind::
Water- I'm thirsty and my throat hurts from screaming at the tv.
Idiot- YOU!!
Smart- Me.
Britney Spears- Macha. Don't ask.
Bill Clinton- Sax-a-ma-phone
Cartoon- Smurfin!
Eh?- Duh, Richie.
Valentines Day- Mmmm about a trillion things. Sand and sea and poetry. A coffee shop and chocolate and death by seagulls. Nicky.
George W.Bush- Uhhh, I'm drawing a blank here.
Last Words::
Do you think anyone will respond- They better or I'll hunt them down and........give them a big hug.......then smack 'em
Who do you think will- Byrnesie? Ruby? Rich? Your resident hams, I'd expect.
Who do you think wont- God.
Say something nice about the person who sent this to you- Erubiel Durazo has a beautifully tanned and decorated Mexican booty and I wanna hit me some a' that.
My ass hurts. And I think my hellacious hat hair just made poor Mister Crosby seize a little bit.