I realized I only post either for big moments in my life, randomly to fill out those test things, or to crack wise at Nima. But in my defense he cracked wise at me first. I hope he doesn't end up in hearse, at the cemetery, cause that would mean he's dead. Oh Nima's not dead, I'm so glad that Nima's not dead. Oh Nima's not...
Sorry got off track there, anyways I differ from most of my facebook compatriots and colleagues who post monthly weekly, or daily. And then there are those select few who post what seems like every freakin' minute with away message type one liners like "eating dinner now" and include a cell phone picture of the dinner on the plate. Its like livejournal is paying them to post. Oh wait livejournal does pay him err.. them. Good luck with rerouting the html source code demodulator through the flux capacitor. And fight for your raise you compsic guru. I will write a letter of recommendation. CG CS pride.
So I was gonna write some sort of "post first year of college in 20/20 retrospect" style entry but then I got lazy and realized that this would then make any sort of conversation with anybody who reads this sparse journal weird because I had kinda already laid it out. So for now you will have to settle with what I've been telling random friends of my parents who ask. "It went well. Very well." If you want more info come find me and talk to me "in the face" as a wise man once put it. IM me. Llame por telephono. Facebook message me. Hell, throw a facebook party. And slap me if I automatically say it went well.
This summer is focused around entirely one thing: the exchange of my labor for pieces of paper which will then be exchanged for European pieces of paper and then be used in Germany for World Cup 2006. If one thing has changed about me in college it is that my status as a moderate appreciator of soccer fan has evolved into football(soccer) hooligan who compulsively checks scores of four different teams in four different countries. My usual job as camp counselor for a month no longer serves this purpose sufficiently so now I must branch out and seek other jobs as well. My parents have employed me to work in the garden weeding, trimming, barkdusting and the like. Weeding is the bane of human existence or as some would say "blows a left monkeys nut". Especially this one weed known as the "Morning Glory". Let me tell you there is nothing glorious about this plant especially not in the morning. My analogy is that it works like a terrorist organization. Like terrorist cells, the individual vines are connected to each other through an extensive underground root system which will grow new fines when the old ones are removed. Of course complete erradication of all the roots is impossible unless you used a tactical nuke on the yard. Of course one could just dig up the entire garden but like the terrorists these plants are hidden among the normal citizenry(the other plants). So I, as the defender of freedom, must do my part to go out and neutralize these weapons of mass garden destruction. Talk about biological warfare. And when ever I complain to my mom/boss all I hear is "times have changed since 9/11".
So one day, my friend Hernan, who has a cushy internship at an architect's office where he redesigns buildings in the pearl and annoys his coworkers by humming, complains about how he doesn't get outside enough and how we need to take a backpacking trip. So we decide to go to
Pamelia Lake near mount Jefferson, a place he has camped since childhood and only the most popular camping spot in Oregon. We planed the three day trip in about two days and bought all the food the night before with some additional stuff we found in our camping supplies. Since it was going to be such a short trip we sacrificed our backs for the flavor of real steak, chicken and other actual foods. Upon laying out all our camping stuff we realize half of it is our dads' stuff from the 70's. My dad's back pack is huge, it is the death star among back packs to throw in a random Star Wars reference. Reportedly he had 120 pounds in there and its a bright blue color, the kind only made in the 70's. Hernan is too proud to admit that his old camping stove is ready to explode at any minute and that mine new one is far superior, so we were forced to bring both stoves. Since his pack weighs more than mine, when we started out we also filled most of a two gallon bag with fresh water so we don't have to pump as much and straped that sucker on to my pack. As if our efforts to increase the weight were not enough, we decided that the 2.2 miles in on the standard trail is too easy and I found an alternate route along Woodpecker ridge involving an 1000 foot elevation gain, a river crossing and many ups and downs. Despite the fact that it rained until the minute we started to pack up and then became warm and sunny as if nature was having a cruel joke at our expense, it was probably the most awesome backpacking trip ever. Here are some highlights of events and lessons learned in in chronological order.
- Hernan almost blows us up trying to light his stove. Scott saves the day using the precious water just carried in. Hernan learns that in order to turn off the gas the nob must be turned in the direction of the arrow pointing towards "off".
-Expert knot tying skill of Scott enables a tarp system to be rigged to keep the cooking area dry. Unfortunately the tarps are 30 years old and leak. Hernan learns the tautline hitch. Scott learns that leaving the camera out in the rain makes it randomly shut off and not read the memory card.
- Wet wood combined with the inept fire building skills of Hernan and Scott make fire building arduous. Arguments ensue about with bad method is worse. Application of stove gas and teamwork eventually triumph and a fire is created. Scott attempts to boil noodles on uneven ground and spills them. Twice. Meanwhile Henan attempts to cook steak on a dinky fire and finally using a plate fanning method gets something hot enough. It is the best steak and noodles ever. Scott learns of the superiority of Argentina in barbecuing and every other thing imaginable.
- Hernan wakes Scott. Scott learns that Hernan is really hyper at 7:00 AM. Hernan learns that Scott is grumpy at 7:00 AM.
- Breakfast consists of oatmeal and eggs. Hernan and Scott learn that you must clean the pan before trying to cook the second batch of eggs.
- Hernan and Scott look out upon the lake and realize it is surrounded in mist. They decide to climb 2000 feet to Grizzly Peak to find the legendary view. Hernan and Scott learn that chewy granola bars are the key to survival.
- Hernan finds a waterfall and Scott jokingly suggests that they fill up the water jug. Scott learns that joking so seriously may cost you in the end.
- The 5800 foot summit of Grizzly peak is finally attained. Hernan and Scott have a fantastic view of a cloud and nothing else. It starts to snow. Awesome. Hernan and Scott learn even with no view you can take cool pictures, that food tastes better when its at a high elevation and that its a long way to the top if you want to rock and roll.
- While pondering the mysteries of nature Scott trips repeatedly and nearly falls to his doom several times. Hernan saves him by saying "don't die". Scott learns his life is a miracle.
- Hernan fills up the 5 gallon jug at the waterfall which then is carried for half a mile back to camp. After taking turns trying to balance it on their necks and shoulders Scott devises a two man carrying method using the ice axe. Hernan and Scott learn that 5 gallons of Water weighs 40 pounds and that an ice axe is more than just a cool photo prop.
- Once again Hernan and Scott try to start a fire with even damper wood but fail. They wish they paid attention when Hernan's dad was lecturing them on how the candle could be used to light a fire in the rain, but they cannot find the candle nor remember how to use it. The chicken is fried in a pan and Scott freaks out about gettin salmonella. Hernan and Scott learn that Hernan's dad has a secret flame thrower.
- Hernan starts going crazy and talking randomly. Sample Dialog
Scott: Should we eat the apples now or save them till tomorrow?
Hernan: Do you ever wonder why cosmonaut and astronaut both have naut in them?
Scott: No.
Hernan:I mean two different languages using the same ending, there's gotta be some connection. It must connect to space or something. But what does it mean?
Scott: You wonder about the the most random stuff. About these apples, do you want them now or later?
Hernan: The new star wars movies are so crappy. Its like Anakin is just stupid for two movies and then they tie everything together. Senator Organa just like appears and then that whole thing where anakin goes dark was just stupid. If I was there I would have just killed the Emperor. They should have never made these new ones.
Scott:Alright I'm just gonna put these apples away. Put these dishes away. What time should we leave tomorrow?
Hernan: You think maybe "naut" means something in greek and its some sort of root that's continued into many languages?
Scott: You are crazy. We need to figure out when to pack up for tomorrow. Put those dishes away.
Hernan: You know what sucks? These new star wars movies. I mean enough with the force crap already. The force is stupid. They needed Han Solo....
- As soon as Hernan and Scott start pack up it stops raining and clears up. By the time they reach the car it is a nice sunny day. They learn camping is awesome even when nature hates you.