I worked out last night with my buddy Andrew. It was far too much fun particularly when I found out he'd secretly been letting me benchpress 95 pounds. That and my legs can lift 400. It was pleasing to know I'm obese, but strong. Or at least stubborn enough to lift all that. *grin
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Comments 4
We are so excited to see you, dear heart! What is your work schedule looking like? I'm going to be posting our schedule as it stands sometime this afternoon/evening, but we are definitely working in some Duncan time. ::big hugs:: Love you so much!
Treat people the way you want to treat them Duncan, but don't let them treat you in a way you wouldn't treat them. Ok there, I've muddled it up nicely :)
Ok ok, I keep a lot of change so I like to spread my two cents around ;)
I also like Jerry's contention that trampling on people hurts the trampler. I'd like to believe that. Sort of like the universe will work things out somehow, that nature has built this mechanism for fairness into itself. I dunno. It's a reassuring concept at any rate.
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