
Aug 10, 2005 23:28

I feel kind of weird these days. I'm calmer than I have been in a long time, and in a better mood. My favorite movie of late has been Pleasantville. It's not a movie that apeals to all, but I feel completely in touch with what the filmakers are trying to say in a way I'm not in touch with most movies. I bought a cell phone, but so far only three ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

senatorpetrusek August 11 2005, 18:24:39 UTC
I love you Scott. God bless us nerds...


fallfromastar August 11 2005, 23:03:56 UTC
the only one who can make changes is you, yourself. you are capable of that.
one who is in theatre should not be so timid about growing up and becoming an adult. life is too short to be afraid of everything.


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