HA HA HA HAc0nt0versialSeptember 27 2004, 19:59:09 UTC
HA HA HA HA I posted in my journal before reading my friends as always cuz I'm selfish like that but I said in it how he was actin diferent if you read it you'll read that ha ha I thought he was mad at me for somethin or somethin like that, its kool tho, just tell him this, Bob said to "Lighten up it, what happend aint killin you, and maybe you were bein mean, but we all have our mean days and hell you have probably seen mine, so just let it go or next time I'ma throw a snowball at you, kool?" ha ha tell him it just like that ha ha at least you said Hi to me cuz I didnt even realize you were there so thank you for that :) I could tell you two were haven issues tho, thats why I didnt really try to make you stop ha ha ha. luv you annie, night :-D....... 8-(I) Muah!!!, luv me :)
Re: HA HA HA HAscottymopieSeptember 28 2004, 13:04:40 UTC
at first i didn't even recognize you ...you had all these little kids around you and i was like "that looks like bob but why does he have kids?"...but it was you ! and i said to willis "thats bob!" but he was cranky and didn't care...but dont think he hates you, cuz he dosen't, we are just having issues that need to be taken care of...! ttyl!
ha ha yeh,c0nt0versialSeptember 28 2004, 14:06:52 UTC
ha ha yeh, that was my nephew but he was the only one around me ha ha, no I didn't think he hated me, I just thought maybe I did somethin to him last time I saw him and forgot I did it or somethin like that, But I didn't think so cuz usually I'm not mean to people for no reason. But yeh, its kool, byee, muah!
jacky you made my day with your care box, and huges and making out....thank you, i love you so much and i owe you, so the next time i'm cleaning out my sewage trap, i'll know who gets first dibs on smelly ol' poonanners!
Comments 7
And there's more care boxes where that came from...if I could only remember where that came from.
I lurve you Annie.
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