autophanous, Five Times Ichigo Thought About Socking Isshin, But Didn't:
1. When he was 13, and ill -
"The cure is in the exercise, Ichigo! Let's have a sparring match!"
"You do realize I have pneumonia, right?"
Passing out seemed so much simpler than fighting back.
2. When he was 14, and proud -
"Once again, my from-the-roof ambush has taken you by surprise! You've let your training slip!"
"Bullies only want a reaction. I will show the bully that he is not worth my trouble." He spoke this to the air, a lesson learned once from a teacher.
He used this tactic for three days, before the urge to punch became overwhelming.
3. When he was 16, and in love -
"Now there's a hot young lady! If you need any pointers on how to handle her, I'll be glad to help! I have a wealth of experience to share with you - and I bet you could use it!"
Any reaction felt like an admission.
4. When he was 17, and tired -
"It's not your fault." Isshin whispered this and laid one arm across his shoulders.
5. When he was 18, and out of control -
His father was silent as Ichigo's tail swept through a plate glass window and his roar shook the ground beneath them.
He was dressed as a shinigami, zanpakutou at the ready. It was the only time Ichigo had ever seen him scared.
The hollow found a last shred of human will, lowered its arm and walked away.