Title: Thunder Road, and Not the Ballad Thereof
scourgeofeurope Rating: PG-13
Characters: Sam, Dean
Genre: Some kind of mess
Word Count: 1,090
Warnings/Spoilers: brother hitting
Timeline: Post S1
Summary: But there are times when this just has to happen, outside of a bar on a warm western night, all blood and bruises and sibling frustration, bleeding all over
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Comments 12
That's all I can think to say...
so very well done.
DAMN i've missed you....
Dude, this is utterly fantastic.
The car is family, after all. The car is Dean’s parents and Dean’s sister and sometimes the car is Dean himself, sometimes Dean can’t see the difference, especially when his skin is sticking to the seat.
Just...god, your writing always blows me away. It's very layered, it's very thoughtful, it's striking and honest and real. You know them inside and out and such understanding really shines through in your writing. You always have these amazing insights into what makes them tick and behave like they do and I just adore it. And you. <3
*squeezes this story tight*
Thank you for writing this, as I squeed when I saw it. Yay! I'll definitely be reading it again. \o/
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