Thank you, KEXP. I had no idea that William Shatner did a spoken/screamed word rendition of one of my favorite Pulp songs: "Common People". Whoa. I think I'm seriously scarred.
It's from a collaboration he did with Ben Folds, called Has Been. The whole thing's pretty solid and amazing, but "Common People" is easily the best track off it.
I'm really not sure what to think about William Shatner anymore†. He seems to be determined to broaden his range as much as possible. Have you seen his recent beat-poetry interpretation of Sarah Palin's speeches / tweets? Truly remarkable.
† No, really, I don't know what to think. I can't imagine that his bloated ego has shrunk much, and yet he seems to delight in self-parody at least as much as parodying others, which doesn't really seem to fit with the ego... But I have to admit, his self-parody is hilarious (or at least hilariously awful).....
Comments 5
† No, really, I don't know what to think. I can't imagine that his bloated ego has shrunk much, and yet he seems to delight in self-parody at least as much as parodying others, which doesn't really seem to fit with the ego... But I have to admit, his self-parody is hilarious (or at least hilariously awful).....
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