Series: Ace Attorney
Rating: G
Characters: Miles Edgeworth, Phoenix Wright
Summary Thinking.
Author's note: None.
He wasn't particularly interesting, when you looked at him from another point of view. He was clumsy, trusting to the point of stupidity, not to mention the sheer audacity he had to waltz in and take everything he, Miles Edgeworth, had worked so hard to keep. His perfection had been lost, his ego shattered and his mind ripped to the point of bordering onto insanity; everything had changed, everything had been lost.
And yet, he recalls these days with a small smile, because although he had been broken, his perfection discarded, and although his everything had turned to nothing; he knows that he had been wandering in darkness, secretly, unknowingly hoping for some light to be shed upon everything.
That light came in the form of an idiot; a wonderful, kind, irreplaceable idiot who searched for truth, justice and a fair trial.
Thanks to him, Miles Edgeworth could truly walk into and amongst that blinding light, he could truly, finally, be his own form of perfection: imperfection.