Series: Ace Attorney
Rating: G
Characters: Miles Edgeworth
Summary Homesick
Author's note: None.
It was stuffy, and he couldn't breathe. The lights were dim and the room was full of flickering shadows that were the sinful thoughts of days gone by, of times when things seemed dark and bleak and hopeless. It was one of those nights where his head couldn't find an escape from the looped screaming in his own mind. The apartment was silent, and the wind was forceful. The sky was deep blue flecked with purple, and the stars were covered by endless shapes of black cotton dotted throughout the night.
The ashtray was full of dead cigarettes and his fingers were wrapped around one very much alive. The cigarette held his interest for moments, his fingers gently taking a hold of it and dipping it into the ashtray, watching the ashes pile up around the flame and disintegrate before his very eyes. The wine in his left hand tasted stale and bitter, yet he drank it anyway, as a form of punishment that sometimes he felt he deserved. Tonight was one of those times.
As the smoke drifted through the open doors out into the cold German air, he watched with bleary eyes and the silence continued to stretch throughout the apartment, wrapping it up in uncomfortable silence and easy yet unattainable fatigue. He wanted nothing more than to close his eyes and sleep the night away, yet his body kept him awake and it reminded him constantly that he was alone-- that he was always alone. He had no home to call his own, and he would always be a part of a mixed society that he never truly fit in. He was always one breathe away from perfect, tight knitted circles, full of celebrities and models with drug addiction and pretty fake smiles. But he didn't want that life. The life that people push and pull and drag and stab; that wasn't a life you could settle into and ease through.
The city slept as he considered his life, his loves, his losses and his wins. They were few and far between, but each and every one mattered. The final gasp for air would be a lonely one, he considered, eyes filtered by alcohol and tiredness. The jet lag always turned him towards the alcohol, and the alcohol, in turn, usually turned him towards sleep. He was pushing himself away from the bed, his hands falling on a door handle and he pushed it aside, his frame now leaning against the doors. Germany was beautiful; even when night had fallen and blackness crawled throughout the land, the small, sparking dots of light made the view all the more worthwhile. The mountains were viewable from his bachelor's pad, and even with his silent screaming consideration, he was pleased to be there.
He watched as his breath fell out of his mouth and coiled before him, watched as the air swept the hot sigh away and closed his eyes.
As long as he could feel his heart and hear his breathing, he would continue to move forwards. Everyone had a past to shy away from, everyone had regrets. He just wished they didn't suffocate him and pull him further down into the insanity and uncertainty of Wonderland's biggest work of chaos. If he had to walk through the madness of the world, he would. If he had to kick away the ties that tried to hold him back and the ones who whisper dark deeds and even darker lies, he would.
If he had to stand, walk, and breathe alone, then he would.