Generation One: Chapter Two: One Foot in Front of The Other

Jul 14, 2010 12:17

Welcome back to Sunset Valley! Last time we met our founder, Lilac Misandri, who got a job in the Education Career, was rejected and accepted in her flirting and then bought a bike!

Now, let's keep moving, shall we?

Rise and shine sweet cheeks! Come on, up and at them. Time to start the day!

"Seriously? It's 5 am! What the hell am I getting up at 5 am for? The sun isn't even up yet!"

Your car pool gets here at 7, so it's time to get up and get to work on starting your day right!

"'s too early for you to be this cheery."

Nice outfit hun.

"Shut up. At least I have a job."

Good point. Now come on, hurry it up.

Not that fast! You forgot your breakfast! Sigh, waffles are so underappreciated these days. So let's see how she's doing.

Ack! No!! The Deadly Blockage of DOOM!! Now I'm going to have to delete the school and replace it to make everyone go to school! Curses, the school is ridiculously hard to place on this lot.

"Not moving it while I'm in here!"


So, how was your first day of work.

"Not bad. But seriously weird, there were no kids in the school to teach! So the teachers just played ping pong all day! I didn't get a promotion though..."

Too bad. You could really use that money. Alright, to the park, come on, it's time to spouse hunt.

Hello Stiles McGraw. What''s that? You want to go out with my Sim? Well too bad! I'm determined not to fall back on overused townie's for this Sim's spouse!

"What!? But he's cute!"

Tough. Now let's go to the bookstore and buy the Ratatouille recipe.

"I don't even like Ratatouille."

Too bad. Now march!

Hey look! It's SIM ME! Go say hi Lilac!

"Wait, that's what you look like?" I have a bit more weight on my belly, granted only a little bit more. And my hair is longer. But other than that, she's the spitting image of me. I even own those shoes.

Lilac: Hello. Just to let you know, you're the simcarnation of the author of this story. She dropped you in here for no real reason. You aren't in control of you're own actions, she created you, molded you, she's pulling the strings of your life, your very existence. She's the conductor of this simphony. Ok?

Lacey: I like cupcakes.

"Alright then..."

Ok, so Sim me isn't as smart as I thought I'd made her. Let's head home, you need food, and I want you to read the newspaper.

Newspaper: In today's news the Sim Mayor is happy to report that we will be importing foreign books, foods, and animals for the next few years in an attempt to make the Sim world more culturally diverse. Stop in to your local Sim stores and see the new items from Al Simhara, Shang Simla, and Champs Les Sims. The items include fruits & vegetables, fish, recipes, fishing books, and skill books.


"You planned this didn't you? I don't know how. But I know you have some- no, EVERYTHING to do with this."

You can't prove it. So ha. Dinner time!

So, how's your Autumn Salad?

"I still want peanut butter and jelly."

You're so hard to please.

The next day Lilac decided to skip work and call Torgo to hang out...then she called Jake... and...

...she was rejected from hanging out. Twice. That's a little...harsh.

"Whatever. I didn't like them anyways."

I'm sure you didn't.

Look I fixed the blockage! And you can't tell the difference.

"This new school smells like paint, not sweat."

...Ok so there's a few small differences.

Today Lilac got promoted. She now makes $144 a day instead of $120. Because that is so a promotion. Not just a raise.

"It's a start."

Being a teacher isn't all it's cracked up to be. Pay sucks in the real world and in Sims!

She also learned the Ratatouille recipe. By the way Lilac, what is Ratatouille?


Complicated? Figures. Oh but what's this?

A New House next door? Could this mean a new neighbour for Lilac to scope out?

"You planned this didn't you?"

I have no idea what you're talking about. The new neighbour doesn't seem to be home the park!

Oh. And who is this handsome purple man? Perhaps he is our new neighbour. Go introduce yourself Lilac.

His name is Ricardo Montello and he is fine~ Now, the real question, is he receptive of our founder's pathetic flirting?

"I can hear you, you know."

Lilac: You're voice is like music lifting my soul.

Ricardo: And you my darling, are but an angel in a unfair world.

He's cute, single, Flirty, AND he makes Lilac giggle like a school girl...which she was not too long ago. This is too good to be true...Alright Lilac you can flirt later, it's time for dinner.

"But we just met!"

You've been flirting for two hours.

"Why can't we just go out for dinner?"

Because you have better uses for that money. Now come on, hop to it.

Making Ratatouille. Not much else to say about that.

"You know, I just realized something. My name is my favourite colour."

Yeah, and?

"That's really stupid."

Like you could have done better.

This time we remembered to make a group meal so Lilac would have leftovers. That way she doesn't have to cook in the morning and then leave her food in favour of work.

The next morning (Day 4 if you weren't paying attention) Lilac wakes up to a dirty, flooded kitchen with a broken sink. And, for the record my dear Sim, I blame you for this mess.

"Oh shut up, I haven't read any handiness skill books yet. How am I supposed to fix this?"


Work today was pretty boring. Lilac didn't get a promotion, however, the Science Lab blew up while she was assisting the teacher, so she's a little stressed out. To relax, Lilac decided to go see Ricardo. Surely he would liven things up.

Oh yeah, I'd say he definitely livened things up. First Kisses for the win!

"Oh what is this feeling, my head is swimming and my heart is pounding in my ears."

You're in love my foolish young Sim. Now ask him to go steady and invite him back to your house.

"For once, I agree with you. So fine."

With Ricardo back at the house, I decided to buy a double bed for the...memorable occasion.

It's lilac. Get it? Now, time for a little fun.

"Wait, what do you mean by 'fun'? We're not going to Try fo-"

"I hate you so much right now."

And with that I will leave my Simming friends. Tune in next time to see what happens on Day 5! Will Lilac ask Ricardo to move in? Is she pregnant or does she have the stomach flu? And will she ever get enough money to pay the bills?! See ya next week to find out!

As a note I'd like to that my sister, Falyn for creating the two Sims who are Ricardo's parents. They gave birth to him in game in another save file I have. Thus, he's not a character made Sim. Sadly though, he lost his relations to his parents both in the panel and on the family tree when I moved him to Sunset Valley by himself, so we won't be seeing them! Also, I'm heading out to my dad's tonight and won't be back 'til at least Sunday night, so I cannot update til after that, as there is no computer at my dad's. Sorry!

Keep the Peace


generation one, sims, sims 3, misandri, lilac, legacy, blog

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