how do u get a guy u like to ask you to a dance without looking like a total retard? He is one of my friends and we like eachother but are too headstrong to admit it. help?
You could try talking to a friend of his, and getting them to tell him to ask you. It worked for me a few times when I was in high school, but it also backfired a few times. However, it's the only thing I can come with, other than you asking him yourself (which wouldn't be a completely terrible thing).
responce to ur commentscrbabe02March 23 2006, 00:03:37 UTC
i find that rather low to ask a friend of yours to tell him though. The whole telephone game gets confusing...i actually did end up asking him over AIM b/c i think if a person wants something bad enough, they will go for it themsleves. He still hasnt given me a straight answer yet. I'll just cross my fingers for now. But t-y for ur advice. btw, do u have a myspapce? i want to see if any of my friends on livejournal have myspaces b/c i check my myspace more often. Well thanks.
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thanks love!
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