Jun 01, 2004 22:32
mwhahahahaha summer...just around the river way...mad gay in english had a 11 chapter quiz in a book i read when i was like in 6 or 7 grade...physics watched things blow up....YAY!
qyuestion of the day....would u rather pluck the butt feathers of an emu with yur toung or clean up elephant crap ewith a spoon held in your mouth?
May 31, 2004 23:01
first day of the summer....NO. I cant thank the vets that have fought for and or died for the freedom which i can enjoy now. Good luck frankie g. one of the best quotesever...go see it on the korean war memorial "Freedom is not free". and rina..glad to see another oakcrest face at the ceremony thinger in the park. :)
May 30, 2004 16:04
Dear Diary,
Sike, Dear Journal
Double Sike, Dear book of my thoughts,
so little left...but so much work....if i were a teacher id give work and then watch a movie...hafta balence things out. i have to bvalence fun and school...damn the curse of CS!!!!
question: "If you were a teacher what would u do at the end of the day?"
May 27, 2004 22:17
i just finished a 7 to 10 page paper...well it is it had 2 sentences on the 7th page so it is cool right?
Coomment yes or no...."Do u procrstinate?"
May 27, 2004 18:49 was fun...i had fun...did u have fun...? whats is not fun...paper due tommorrow..that is poo
May 26, 2004 22:58
yes yea follow in the footsteps of trash money, stubble ditch...and uh the black man...i too have a live journal....deepest thoat of the day....MMMM cow