Title: Freedom Part The Third.
Author: Screamer06
Pairing: Axl/Duff
Status: Complete.
Notes/Summery: For chloegdgc, who wanted something sweet.
Warning: None
Disclaimer: I no own, please no sue.
Slash led Axl backstage to the chanting of “Guns N Roses” by the over eager crowd.
“It seems I’ve made a mistake, Slash.” Said Axl with a sigh hearing the audience chanting. In the light he looked tired as he smiled. “Maybe they think this is some sort of, reunion, or something. Please put them right.”
“Yeah, I will but I got to go back out there, stay here won’t you?” Slash didn’t wait for an answer but turned and went back on to the stage to cheers and applause. He took the mic, “Wow that was shock wasn’t it?” The crowd chanted “Axl, Axl, Axl!” Slash continued.
“Nobody was expecting Axl Rose to be here and come out with that. Ugh, obviously there are issues that we need to discuss privately but for now I think we should finish the show, right guys?!” the crowd cheered anew and Slash began the opening cords of Fall to Pieces.
When Velvet Revolver finished there was no sign of Axl backstage but there were people talking in hushed voices about, “Axl Rose his self was here, no joke man, I saw him.” Slash ignored them all and went to his dressing room. He had half expected Axl to still be there when he got back but wasn’t surprised that he had disappeared.
Duff came in soon after and began taking off the eyeliner that was remarkably un-smudged. Running a cotton bud under his lashes he took a deep breath.
“He didn’t stay did he?”
“Nope, but really did we think he would?”
“I kind of hoped he would, you know, you guys had something special once.”
Slash snorted, “Well, yeah...once but I think there is too much damage now.”
“There is never too much damage, he came here, and he did that in front of all those people.”
“No big deal, I’ve seen Axl cry like a bunch of times before.” Slash replied with a dismissive wave of his hand.
Duff merely gave him a look. That same look a mother gives a child who answers back.
“Shut up Duff.”
“Didn’t say a word.” Duff turned back to the mirror and finished taking off the make-up.
Once he was back at the hotel Axl ate dinner quietly on his own. He signed a couple of autographs and took several pictures; he retired to his room and flopped on the bed. Why? Why the hell couldn’t he just write a letter, or talk quietly to Slash and Duff in person? To be honest he didn’t know. To speak personally, privately had been his full intention but this needed something big. A grand gesture. He turned on the telly and flicked through the channels wondering whether or not to find some club somewhere.
“This evening a shock appearance by none other than Axl Rose. The singer made an emotional apology to former band mates particularly Saul Hudson, also known as Slash. Chinese Democracy is due for release here next month but is already available in Japan and China, could it be that this is the beginning of a reunion, we can only wait and see what this enigmatic singer has in store.”
He switched off, shit. He picked up the phone and arranged to go home. When he got there it was morning, he had slept in the car as it travelled the long roads. Long car trips always made him go to sleep. He found something strangely soothing about the sound of the engine. He unpacked and put the washing on and tried to put the whole thing to the back of his mind with some yoga.
Duff had tried to leave the house three times already. He had obtained Axls address from a friend of a friend of a friend. He had also been warned Axls’ house was heavily secure with cameras and electric gates. But what could be the worst that would happen? “Go away Duff,” big deal. So why, oh why was he dithering at his own front door. He grit his teeth and left the house, locked the door behind him and decided once and for all that he was at least going to have a look at Axls house, just to check it was the right one. He put the radio on so he could argue with the news.
When Duff passed the house a second time he pulled up, just out of the way to check the address again. Butterflies ran riot in his stomach as he took a few deep breaths. They caught in his throat as the gates began to open. It was Axl getting the mail. Fan mail was sent to the studio. He saw Axl pop some toast in his mouth in order to free his hands to grabble with the mail box. He was wearing lounge pants and a dressing gown. His braids held back with an Alice band. He riffled through the post on his way back up to the house, selecting one he began to open it as he disappeared through the front door. There was no denying to himself now that this was Axls house. He swallowed hard and got out the car. His legs felt like jelly and he pressed the buzzer with shaking hands. He jumped when a mechanical voice asked him to face the camera on his left. He obeyed holding his head high. There was silence for a long minute. He pressed the call bell again and spoke;
“I’ve not come here to duke it out Axl.” He smiled but it didn’t reach his eyes. There was a buzz and a click as the gates hissed open. The front door hung open and Duff gingerly walked in. Axl greeted him in the hall way with a stony stare. Duff stood rooted to the spot. Axl could always stare him down and this time was no exception as Duff lowered his eyes to the floor. Footsteps on the stairs made both men turn;
“Oh Axl, I can’t find my shower stuff so I just used yours, do you want anything from the....oh...Duff.” It was Amy, Axls half sister. Duff had always liked Amy. She was shy and sweet with mousy brown hair but she had Axls ever changing eyes. He gave her a small nod and shoved his hands in his jacket pockets. The tension was palpable. She turned to Axl, “I can always go later if you like?” she asked quietly.
“No thanks Amy, I’m sure we’ll be fine.” Axl replied without looking at her. Amy regained her breezy demeanour.
“Duff have you eaten breakfast? Am sure I couldn’t whip you up something.” Her smile was forced, her voice too high.
“I’ve eaten thanks Amy.” He shuffled his feet. She nodded and breezed past him and whistled to the wolf hound that Axl insisted was actually a dog. There was a moment’s awkward silence after the door clicked shut after her.
“Would you mind if I finished eating?” Axl asked turning and making his way back to the kitchen. Duff followed to see Axl scooping a little white cat off the side where a cereal bowl sat.
“Oh Fraidy!” That was mine, yours is down there.” He pointed the cat bowel sitting on a tray on the floor. He emphasised his point but pointing to his bowl again, “Mine” and down to the floor, “Yours.” The cat merely blinked at him before licking his hand with her tiny pink tongue. Axl rolled his eyes and deposited her on the floor. She immediately began to wind herself round his legs purring loudly. “Oh okay, have it your way.” Axl relented and put the bowl of weatabix and warm milk on the floor which the cat happily tucked into, he watched her for a moment and Duff began to feel as if he’d been forgotten. Axl made himself more cereal and sat at the table. With his mouth full he indicated with a wave of his hand that Duff should sit also.
“Coffee?” Axl mumbled with his hand over his mouth, a habit he’d long had when he was eating. Duff nodded and poured from the hot coffee pot.
“Axl, ah, the reason I came...are you okay now?”
“Yes all healed thank you, is that the reason you tracked me down and came all the way here?”
“Well no, it isn’t”
“I didn’t think so.”
Duff took a breath and licked his dry lips while Axl studied his face with a raised eyebrow. “Why did you do that?”
“Yeah, on stage?”
“You know thinking about it, I have no idea but I felt I needed to say sorry to both of you for all the crap. I know the fans blame me but I really don’t care. They weren’t there they don’t know me for real.”
Axl sat back on the chair and put his hands between his knees.
“Well why did you take the name?” There he said it, it was out there and there was no taking it back. He watched Axl frown slightly, only slightly. Maybe he had had Botox?
“Shall we move to the lounge, I feel like I’m being interrogated here.” He said simply at length before rising from the table. He left the bowel there and moved into the lounge his flip flops making that slapping sound. Once there he kicked them off and curled on the sofa. It was overstuffed but Axl liked the way he sank into it. The windows were open slightly and the warm breeze moved the light netting creating a soft light on the wooden floor. A wind chime tinkled somewhere out of sight and a jasmine incense scented the air with its delicate fragrance. Duff sat facing Axl but not quite next to him.
“There that's better isn’t it? So...I took the name because there was no way I was leaving it to junkies. I had worked too hard and lost too much already. It was all I had I could truly call my own maybe I didn’t put it across in a way that I should have.”
“You blackmailed us Axl.” Duff said simply. Axl shrugged.
“Desperate times.”
Duff was interrupted by Axls housekeeper, Beta, handing Axl some paper work. Axl looked at the printed piece of paper then at a clock that hung on the wall.
“Oh, that doesn’t leave me a lot of time.”
“It's okay Axl, I packed for you and your passport is in the left hand side of your hand luggage.”
“What would I do without you Beta?”
She merely smiled at him and walked away. Axl got up and Duff took it as a signal to leave. Axl even walked him to the door, which was still wide open.
“Well, ugh...it was good to see you again Axl, properly I mean.”
“Yeah, it’s been a while?”
“Where, if you don’t mind me asking, where are you going?”
“Japan, the album has been released there already so there I shall be.”
Duff faked surprise; he knew Axl was going to Japan the grapevine moves fast in this industry.
“Not THE album Axl.” Axl laughed, warm and genuine,
“Yep, did you ever doubt me?”
“Shut up Duff, just shut up.” Axl surprised Duff but embracing him briefly gifting him with a small kiss on the cheek. “All that aside Duff it really is good to see you again.” He gave a brief Namaste, his hands held in a pray position before turning to run upstairs leaving Duff gawping before he turned to see himself out.