The WHO'S WHO and WHAT'S WHAT guide in alphabetical order to the Screamers 'verse
relevant only as to 3: enters Krycek atm, to be updated asap
ARKANNA, aka HSHI DEMONS: live in the waters running in the underground caves of the Second System planets, all seven of them. They smile at their prey as they thrust the claw they sport on their right elbow in the prey's belly.
AUNT GERTRUDE: not clear (yet) if a real aunt or not. A Logitarian preacher, with OCD
AUTOMATED CHECKING-BOOTH: booths used to check entrance in places. They check the blood from the wrist offered with subcutaneous needles, refuse entrance to people with the substances in their blood that have been pre-programmed in the booth's memory.
BLACK OIL PLAGUE: mysterious infection that left entire villages and cities deserted of life. Death would follow the first symptoms (shaking, puking, and leaking of black oil-like liquids from all orifices) in the matter of a few days, a week at most. Allegedly, a bacterial infection brought in the Galaxy by some merchant explorers ships, but scientists are still studying the few samples in their possession.
CARTERIUS PRIME: peripheral planet in the Clusters of the New Regime, high profile commercial nexus with a permanent Militia post/settlement, an official orbiting station, and the biggest underground black market. It's supposed to be Krycek's favorite place of residence.
CIRCADIAN WATER: water used in rituals, effective to cleanse several demon-infected wounds. Not as powerful as Holy Water (diff uses. Specify?). Can't be blessed.
COYOTE ASH: made with burned bones of blessed animals (specific planets, specific animals). The brown tinge of the ashes testifies to their purity. A less than 97% of pure Coyote ash in any compound can potentially nullify the ritual it's being used in.
DEVIL'S DUST: generic name for several powders used in demon-banishing/protecting rituals
EASIER TO FIND A DEVIL'S TRAP IN A HOODOO CIRCLE THAN...: a common way of saying amongst Hunters, meaning something impossible to obtain. Contrasting beliefs.
JESS: Cyber-engineer, she looks after the maintenance of Sam's digital personality-download in the Impala
KRILLIKAT: six-legged predator native to Carterius, similar to a leopard, but with short feathers.
IMPLANTED: technically-enhanced humans. A very common Implanted would have sensory augmentation (aural, visual) and an infrared and other frequencies sensor surgically inserted in their brain. Exceedingly expensive procedures, high rate of mortality during and right after the procedure itself. The need for expensive maintenance (regular checks, etc) makes it so that many Implanted need to work for rich people for most of their life.
LOGITARIAN: a believer in the philosophy of Logistics 'everything happens where it happens because it was organized so, and if it doesn't it's your responsibility for not being organized enough'
MERCHANTS BOARDS: most of the space and interplanetary communication happens via the Boards, a space wide web, whose servers are on each and every space-ship, planet, space station (orbital or not) where there is commerce. The boards are virtually un-controllable, by anyone, though periodically victims of hackers and viruses.
PURGE: a wave of Puritans and Logitarians activism brought on the murdering and 'cleansing' of as many sexual workers in all the galaxy, repeatedly, before the New Regime went to power and employed the Space Marines to sedate these outbursts.
RUMBARAS: sweet caramelized corn rolls dripping with honey, typical of Carterius
SALT IS WHAT MAKES THE PLANETS TURN...: way of saying. Defines something indispensable.
SCREAMERS: live in packs, chimp-like, man-eaters. (to expand)
SPACE MARINES: same sort of tradition and training/use as the traditional US Marine Corps. John Winchester was a Marine, before meeting Mary. He had to go AWOL in order to marry her. Space Marines are the space armed units of the New Regime.
TERRASACRA: planet where Sam's body is being kept in stasis. Its co-ordinates are known only to John and Dean. It's hallowed ground, legendary. The safest ever place for someone needing to hide from the Demons, but not inexpugnable.
THE 1013: brothel district on Carterius Prime, so called by the number of whores (male and females) killed during the last Purge.