Title: A Very Nervous Engagement Rating: PG-13 Pairing: Draco/Harry Summary: Harry is so nervous he is bordering on panic. Warnings: none Word Count: 1628 Authors Note: Thank you to my ever lovely beta kcstories
Hello, I am de-lurking to tell you what a wonderful story I thought this was. I have actually read quite a bit of your stuff and am a big fan of everything I've read. I especially enjoy your entire Snuffles universe and Growing Harry (any more on the way?). I hope I don't seem odd because I am commenting here on your LJ even though you don't know me. After I discovered you on Skyehawke I decided to peek at your LJ link and I'm glad I did because there are so many wonderful little stories here that aren't on your author page there. Anyway, I felt bad that I'd enjoyed so much of your fic and never properly reviewed, so here I am
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Comments 5
All I kept thinking was hello Harry...mimosas. Just like the drink it just works. Lovely fic.
so this story in fact was pretty much perfect. so real.
this might not have been the perfect proposal but the imperfectness made it perfect. <3
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