fic PDFs

May 16, 2010 13:46

Watch this post: later today/tonight, I'm going to start posting links to download some of my longer stories/series as PDFs to download. Communication and A Question of Science (including the Georgia WIP) first, then probably longer stories like The Electric Cat Planet and The Cleverness of Me. (Maybe Oscar Night as a standalone?)

Surprisingly enough, I was thinking of this before 
leupagus's post on the subject, but don't tell her.

Also, this Zach-in-New-York thing is getting out of control with the word count. I used to be pithy. Sigh.

And here are the stories themselves!

[ edit ] LOL N/M apparently the same day, AO3 started doing PDFs for every fic, SO GO OVER THERE.

A Question of Science
515KB, 88 pgs.

400KB, 54 pgs.

Oscar Night (one installment of Dr. and Mrs. Princess Whitelaw)
220KB, 31 pgs.

The Cleverness of Me
200KB, 30 pgs.

The Electric Cat Planet
220KB, 42 pgs.

Five Unusable Interviews
84KB, 8 pgs.

The House of Amanda
215KB, 42 pgs.

Zach in the City
907KB, 99 pgs.

this is not fic

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