While the AO3 crashes and burns from yuletide signups, I will bow to peer pressure from
zap_rousdar and steal this thing from her and
Instead of sending holiday cards, I want to write you a story. It will be at least 500 words, knowing me probably at least 2 or 3 thousand words. If you don't celebrate Christmas, it will be a HANUKKUNFFF CARD or a KWANZAA CAN I card or a WHAT ELSE IS THERE BECAUSE THAT IS WHAT IT IS THEN card.
Leave a comment with the following: fandom, pairing, prompt/au situation/scene description/bit of dialogue/you know what a prompt is, why am I explaining this? All comments are screened, because it's more fun that way.
Also! Don't pander to my tastes! This is about me wanting to do something nice for YOU. If something you prompt is so out of my comfort zone that I don't think I'll ever write it I will tell you, but try me first because you never know.
If you want a Ficmas Card please make a claim by, let's say, December 1st. I'm opening this post now so that I can hopefully get a head start. All fics will be posted in December (or before, but maybe December.)
PS: Should you decide you want to give out your own Ficmas Cards this year, you know, all I'm saying is that I can think of some things I might like to request so you are more than free to, erm, "steal" this "idea". No pressure. The holidays are about giving, not getting. I think I read that on a blog somewhere. /eye-growth gif
I'll write in any of the fandoms/pairings in my
tags. Also, try the niche RPF! You might like it! (And because
waldorph cried about it: omg I promise if you ask for Pinto, you will get cavity-inducing, artery-clogging, puppies-and-unicorns happiness. Unless that's not your bag. SPECIFY