Ahhh winter boredom

Dec 16, 2004 20:01

1. Your real name: Adrienne
2. What friends call you: Adrienne, Ad, Adie, toothpick

3 What your boyfriend/girlfriend calls you: Adie
4 What's a name you once wished you'd rather have?: Lucy
5. What is/are the ugliest name(s) you can think of?: Bruce (ugh)
6. What would you name these if you had them as pets?
a. turtle: Jake
b. goose: Mike
c. pirate: I could have a pirate as a pet??? umm.....Michael ( A goose and a pirate named the same thing...hey I think its cool)

d. a hot boy: mister sexy

7. If there was a song about you, what would it be called?: Anthem of the Insane
8. What would you name your kids?: Juliet Noel and Celia
9. What would you name a ship you built?: Enterprise
10. If you wrote a book, what would it be called?: "Stories you're not interested in"

Have you ever...
11. Thrown up in public?:nope
12. Eaten or drank anything spoiled?: eww not that I can remember
13. Had a rip in your pants you didn't know about? Hahaha yes *sheepish*
14. Tripped while checking someone out?: probably..I trip all the time
15. Had to pay for something you broke?: also probably, but not that I can remember
16. Nearly drowned?: yes, it was the most traumatic experience ever
17. Passed out?: maybe?
18. Had a crush on somebody: yes
19. Been stuck in the rain?: yes
20. Been attacked by an animal?: hahah nope...sorry that wasn't supposed to be funny, was it?
21. Caught people having sex?: hahahhah also no, but how awesome of a story would that be: "once I went over to my friends house to suprise her and..."
22. Fallen asleep while driving?: no
23. Felt attracted to someone of the same sex?: not really
24. Actually slipped on a banana peel?: no, but that would make another great story
25. Made a wish that came true?: yup

Complete The Sentence
26. I once had a dream... and I've never forgotten it
27. I'm only racist towards... no one
28. I don't even know why I'm... so loud
29. I'd give anything to have sex with... humm.....nope
30. Nothing sucks more than having to... lick a flagpole in the middle of the winter while three beavers gnaw on your ankles and a baby hieanna uses you as a fire hydrant.
31. If I had six bucks i'd buy... a book
32. It's hot. I should take off my... skin *wierd squishy sounds* ahhh thats better
33. It's always more fun if you... make them take off their pants *looks around like she doesnt know where it came from*
34. You can't eat steak without... teeth (I agree with Jimmy)
35. You better shut up before I... make you lick a flagpole
36. I really like you and everything but... you smell like hyeinna piss

What would you do if...
37. A dirty old guy at the airport slaps your ass?: turn around and growl at him in this scary way that would make him scared...actually I would confront his sorry ass and make him apologize in front of everyone in the airport

38. Somebody was about to steal your car?: call the police
39. You wake up with a billion spiders crawling all over you and your bed?: freak the hell out
41. The person you just kissed tells you they have oral herpes?: be really mad and probably pull the Kill Bill lip bite thingy
42. You had three wishes? 1. Wish that the world would be a perfect place for everyone...I think taht would pretty much cover everything else
43. The government allowed you to choose one thing to be made illegal and one thing to be legalized?: humm...drinking at 18 would be legal, and Hillary Duff, Linsay Lohan, Britney Spears, and all those otehr crappy pop singers would be illlegal

44. Britney Spears was at your front door asking for jumper cables?:ahahahhahahah.....I would hand her the bill saying that she was illlegal then hand her the jumper cables...I think it would be funny to see her try to jump a car...considering she probably cant spell car.
45. You had a time machine?: Go back in time and meet James Dean *drool*
46. FOX gave you a half hour show to do whatever you wanted?: anything but reality tv

Would you rather....
47. Would you rather find the cure for cancer or the cure for aids?: thats hare...cancer i think
48. Would you rather have the power to fly, or the power to teleport?: fly
49. Would you rather have the power to see the future, or the power to record your dreams?: dreams
50. Would you rather be really skinny, or really fat?: skinny

51. Would you rather be lost in a forest, or stuck in a box?: damn....forest?
52. Would you rather be in a drama movie, or a comedy?: both!!!!
53. Would you rather be in a hip hop video or a rock video?: rock
54. Would you rather have your birthday on Christmas Day, or on February 29th?: feb 29th cause how cool would that be???
55. Would you rather live in the sewer, or in Afghanistan?: hummm....I like it here
56. Would you rather be in a mental institution or in a penitentiary?: penitentiary....even if I wasnt crazy being in the insane asylum woudl drive me crazy after a while.
57. Would you rather snow board or hang glide: snowboard
58. Would you rather be a ninja or a pirate?: pirate!!!!

What's the first thing that comes to your mind when you read the following words?
59. Courage: lion
60. Driver: taxi
61. Yoga: lady in her purple yoga pants sitting on a blue matt cross legged
62. Bakery: Busken
63. Roach: Brandon's nickname for someone

64. Mushroom: fungus
65. Sprung: *giggle*

66. Exotic: dancer
67. Pythagorean: ugh shoot me

68. What is your definition of love?: wanting the best for someone no matter what

69. List 3 words that are clues to identifying a person you are currently interested in: My boyfriend Nick
70. Who or what is your worst enemy?: Ugh....I dont really have one, but I used to kinda
71. Who is the last person you kicked?: I think it was Kastan, but that was kneed actually
72. If you had to be a chess piece, which piece would you be?: the knight their movement is so damn complicated
73. Name three people you know whose names begin with the first letter of your last name: Caitlin, Cal, Candi
74. What's one romantic thing somebody's done for you?: *sigh* I would rather keep those to myself thank you

What Is Your opinion?
75. "Girls are nothing but drama.": most of the time, but we're more than that too
76. "Only idiots watch The Simpsons.": bite me, bite me hard
77. "Kentucky is way better than Cali": hahahhaa...never been to cali but...hahahhahah
78. "There's nothing wrong with stealing.": yeah, my butt
79. "Alcohol is the answer to ALL your problems.": hahahaha...no it isnt
80. "You don't need to go to college to be a brain surgeon." not such a good idea
81. "Music is stupid.": you are very very wrong
82. "Your car sucks.": shut up!!!

Hahahah!  Oh dear!

*~Make a wish
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