The Frog and the Silver Sphere. A story by my crazy brother.
Once upon a time, there was this frog who wanted to go meditate in his rock garden outside of the Fairy Tale Apartments that he lived at. But when he got there, he found a magic-looking silver sphere.
So, he picked the thing up. He thought it was very pretty.
He brought the sphere to his apartment's steps to ponder its shininess.
But suddenly, he fell down the stairs!
And it totally sucked!
When he finally hit the cement, he blamed the object! He had excellent balance and had never fallen down the stairs before! He came to the conclusion that the silver orb must be cursed!
He tried to throw it away, but the fuckin' thing was stuck to his hands!
He tried to get on with his life...
But the silver ball made even the simplest tasks quite impossible.
He tried to wash his anguish away, but he couldn't reach the damn knob.
All he seemed able to do was be a pathetic emo bitch listening to the same Bright Eyes song over and over again. You know, that really sad song.
But finally he got fed up with that shit and decided to drive to see the local Oracle. (This IS Fairyland!)
But he barely made it there alive!
When he told the Oracle of his tragic situation, she sympathetically said "Oh, it stucks to have shiney balls to your hands! I think you should try and put it back where you found it. In your ROCK GARDEN!"
So, he tried to follow her advice, but the stupid ball was still stuck to his hands. All he managed to do was throw his zen off and ruin his beautiful garden.
So, he returned to the Oracle and was like "Bitch, your idea didn't work!" And she was all like "AHAHAHAHA!!! THAT WAS MY EVIL PLAN!! TO MESS UP YOUR ROCK GARDEN!! BECAUSE YOU'RE A STUPID FROG AND FROGS CAN'T MEDITATE!!!! HAHAHA!!!!"
So, he killed the racist bitch.
And blew up her house.
But we didn't take a picture of the explosion, so here is a somewhat less horrible picture of a child.
After he did this, he felt just awful. "This sinister orb brings about only evil in frogs!" he said, and he decided that it would be best to kill himself.
So he did.
There is no moral to this story.
The end. <3