"I want a studio contract!" warning picture heavy

Aug 18, 2007 00:10

1. NAME: Miss Mya
2. AGE: 21
3. LOCALE: Salt Spring, BC
4. CAREER GOALS:At the moment I'm currently on "house wife/mom" status, but once Chloe gets a little older I would like to work with animals, or maybe run my own bakery... But my DREAM job? I've always wanted to be in Les Miserables
6. 5 FAVORITE FILMS: Lord of the rings, Ed wood, Evil Dead 2, The Wizard of OZ, The Shining
7. 5 FAVORITE BOOKS: American Gods - Neil Gaiman, Neverwhere - Neil Gaiman, The dreaming place - Charles de lint, Cats Cradle - Kurt Vonnegut, Abarat - Clive Barker
8. INTERESTS OUTSIDE OF CLASSIC MOVIES: All though I havent had much time for anything but taking care of my baby lately, Singing, cooking, drawing manga, going to the gym, Martial arts, reading lots and lots and LOTS
9. 3 FAVORITE CURRENT ACTRESSES (of either the stage or the screen): Milla Jovovich, Angelina Jolie (you must be sick of that one eh?), monica bellucci
10. A QUOTE OR SONG LYRICS THAT YOU IDENTIFY CLOSELY WITH: "If you can do a half-assed job of anything, you're a one-eyed man in a kingdom of the blind." - Kurt Vonnegut
11. A FEW ADJECTIVES TO DESCRIBE YOURSELF: Stuborn, Eccentric, Warm, Dreamy
12. ANYTHING MORE YOU THINK WE WOULD LOVE TO KNOW ABOUT YOU!: I'm not usually this dull I swear :o


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