So tonight I decided to go see Tab on her break...well at least I thought she would be on break. Anyway, I left the house and while I was driving through my neighborhood, I noticed that everyone has Christmas lights up. We just got Thanksgiving done and over with, and then you see all this. Usually I don't mind, but this year is different. It just
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We put up the tree, and ONLY the tree, since we're going to St. Louis for Christmas. But then my sister (whose house we're going to) said she's not putting up a lot because she has two-and-a-half-year-old twins that will, you know, break and/or eat decorations, and she can't run around all day stopping them because she's got two other kids to worry about, too.
I don't know. It's not like we've scrapped Christmas or anything. But it just doesn't feel as magical as it usually does.
Maybe when it gets colder. (But personally I think my family made its biggest mistake when we started drawing names for the adults "so everybody would only have to buy one present". It was more fun to give and receive six or seven cheap gifts than it is to get just one, even if it is supposedly a lot nicer.)
Wow, sorry to rant. Eeep.
I think Nico's wanting to go caroling, I'm in, you should come. ^_^
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