character relationships.
Remus Lupin
pretty good at the authority thing, also pretty good at the friend thing
natureinblood Katurian Katurian
i think something is wrong with his answering machine
afeatherpillow Leia Organa
good conversationalist, very nice, apparently a friend
willkissawookie Norman Osborn
i wonder if he's still my boss
osreborn John Egbert
this kid is kind of cute
dupable Nina Sayers
kind of high strung for an experiment i haven't even started yet
herturn Ladd Russo
inexplicably shops at all the same places i do
sanguinosi Terra
not sure how her laundry always gets mixed up with mine, i dont even wear red
speedofnaked Zelgadis Greywords
does this kid even have a name
inthirds Hank McCoy
makes a mean casserole
bluepurrymuffin Tom Marvolo Riddle
pretty entertaining for a witch
anagrammatist Bellatrix Lestrange
typical witch: evil and hot
pureblood Eames
knows good work when he sees it
subconman Zoidberg
i think of him whenever i eat calamari
crabulous Raphael
this person sized turtle seems to be uncomfortable around me
thebadturtle Jonathan Crane
my kind of scientist
formidophobia Lyra Silvertongue
good student, competent fighter, interesting soul
lyingbrat The Pro
the only other insomniac chain smoker i know
hhhhfuckedagain Ruka
clever kids are so entertaining
fairyarcher Amanda Waller
was kind enough to explain why people act funny when i introduce myself
bigreveal Vivi Ornitier
a really studious kid
vivi_sorrow Curtis Doyle
a chatty guy
free_dumb_ring Richard Grayson
i told this guy all about the nevada desert once
batmantled Illidan Stormrage
if you ask me this guy is a little too interested in witches
pandablade Mitchell Hundred
mayor hundred sure is a nice guy
deus_ex_100 Lua Klein
i wonder how someone so shy puts up with ladd
zarteblume Brother Cavil
seems to think he has a lot of power
unpinocchio Charles Xavier
this guy apparently collects exotic animals, maybe he can hook me up with experiment material
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