why do I always write him angsting foirsehtoiejgopwraeht big spoilers lol don't read this also butchering someone else's character and maybe even my own again yaaay
Of Nightmares
There were some things Ruby would never forget. The moment his father flew away from him that fateful day was one of them. The sight of those markings on his skin, mirroring those of the legendary Groudon and Kyogre was one of those things. The pain that shot through his arm as his mind fought and fought against being taken from him was one of these things.
Some would say it was unfair for someone so young to have gone through such things. Others would just see it as a commonplace thing. It depending on who you asked, really. Either way, it didn't change the fact that Ruby was still just a kid.
Normally, he was strong. Normally, in fact, these things didn't even cross his mind. But the world of his dreams is another story altogether. They say you can always control your dreams, but Ruby knows that is not true, he thinks to himself as he remembers the pain. But that's all he thinks - he is awake now, and he has Pokemon to groom.
He had nightmares about it sometimes. Not all the time, but often enough. Sometimes he would lose himself to the jewel and attack his friends. Other times he'd find out someone had it inside them, and they were slowly losing their minds. He'd even tried to save Utau from that terrible fate, in his dreams, and in the end he always failed. Sometimes he died, sometimes he woke up as some fatal blow was incoming - be it a blow to him or from him, both applied. When the nightmares came, they never had a happy ending.
This dream was, by far, the worst he'd ever had. It was as if he was watching some horrible movie from behind his own eyes, as he summoned the jewels from inside him - why where there more than two!? - and gave them away to the people here. He'd run away and hidden himself in a cave, as the markings spread across their bodies and they lost themselves forever.
The world seemed to be shaking at this point. This was the end, wasn't it? Was it Groudon's Earthquake? No, it was wet too-- Was Kyogre here to drown him? All he needed now was a tornado to break through the cave and it would be the holy trinity from hell. He would have laughed had he not been feeling like ripping himself to shreds.
It took him a minute to realize the shaking was, in fact, real. And that he was crying, almost sobbing even. It took just a bit longer to realize his roommate was shaking him awake.
She had comforted him, despite her knowing so little about his past. She had calmed him down, and she had never said anything afterwards. All she said, as the sun rose and he settled in to get back to sleep, was "Sweet dreams."
His days passed the same as they always had. These things were not daytime worries, after all. It was as if that night - as if any of the nights before it - had never happened. To say that night was eventually forgotten, after a few weeks passed, more than likely wouldn't be a lie.
Even so, every night since then, be it in a tone of warmth, a tone of annoyance (living with him did that to some people, he knew); whatever the tone was, it was always there. And he always made sure to say the same to her, no matter how he was feeling.
And every night since then, his dreams were of nothing but the things that made him smile.