Title: Rare Feelings
Pairing: Yabu Kouta x OC
Notes: Repost from a February 29 blog about things that don't happen quite often.
Summary: A songwriter's reflection.
Thoughtless words, an empty song. I just wanted to let out my feelings, but it sounded like just some half-assed attempt at gathering pity. I started writing lyrics as another outlet for saying things I normally don't have the courage to say, and it's been a great experience overall. I've been given a break that I never imagined I could experience. People sing my songs, and I can convey my feelings through each and every one of them. One message, repeated by a multitude of people who will never probably get to ever know me... isn't that a blessing in itself? I wrote these things... for myself mostly. To think that I was able to help people express what they wanted to say through my songs... that's something that I have never thought of even in my wildest dreams.
I was given the chance to write songs for a lot of people that I only admired from afar. I was dazzled by the sparkle of these shining people... and somewhere amidst all the confusion, I lost something important. People started nitpicking at my work, even going as far as to suggest that I only got to write for the jimusho because of who I was. Deadlines cropped up, and although I do like a challenge, writing started to feel forced and artificial. I didn't want to forget the happiness that I get from writing. I want to keep on doing it because I want to, not because I was being paid to do it, or because I'll be famous when I get a song released.
I don't want to forget that the reason why I started to write songs is to find a way to let you know that I love you, even if I have to get other people to say it.