Title: Disappearance
Pairing: EVERYONE/EVERYONE . Clue: I mainly worked with the people who called out the names of each person. But it kinda went haphazardly from there.
Notes: Linked to Episode 25 so a bit spoiler-ish?
Summary: Did you hear that? The silent sound of three people's despair?
Did you hear that?
That was the sound of my heart breaking into a million pieces.
Hear that?
That was the sound of my life falling apart.
Hear that?
That was the rush of air that I heard when I realized that maybe I won't be seeing you again. Forever.
When I felt that swooping sensation of the ground opening below my feet, I could barely move.
When I felt that black hole about to swallow me up, I could barely move.
When I felt that push I looked into your eyes and saw everything.
Why must you go through such lengths to protect me?
Why must you risk your life to make sure I was okay?
Why won't you let me fall with you? Fight with you? Protect you this time around?
I feel faint but I have to fight on.
I feel powerless but I have a duty to fulfill.
I think I forgot how to feel.. but I had to be strong.
To save you.
To see your smile again.
To finally tell you that I love you.
So I must stand up.
I must gather courage.
I must win. So I could see you again.