Title: A Letter of Sorts
Pairing: Takaki Yuya x OC
Notes: Repost from
himitsu_riaru ; written for
nuitecarlateSummary: So close. And yet they seem so far. Or are they?
To you that I like watching from afar:
I'm not good with words, and I'm not sure if what I'm about to say would come out right. I know I would just stutter and stumble if I so much as try to say this to you face to face, so my uncool self decided to write you this letter instead. I would really like to see your reaction after reading this... though I'm still afraid that I wouldn't get the reaction I was hoping for...
This is silly... I'm running out of words to say... even in writing, I can't seem to find the right words for the emotions I want to express... maybe you're wondering what made me write a letter to you... Actually, I don't even know myself anymore. Just the thought of you makes my head and my heart go haywire. I can't think properly, the words don't come to me naturally. It's like trying to describe you is finding your soulmate: It's hard to do, but just the point of achieving it would want to make you work all that harder, blast all the circumstances.
I’m passionate about finding that one thing that I know I’m meant to do. Sounds idealistic, but I believe everybody’s meant to do something significant. I think I’m on the right path, and even though the destination isn’t clear yet, I’m enjoying the journey. I've been on this job since I was young... and honestly I ask myself sometimes what I'm really doing with my life. And then I met her. She's this awesome person, obviously one in a million, even if she's someone that doesn't acknowledge the fact that she could change people... like how she changed me. And then I became thankful that I decided to stay and do my best in what I was doing. Because if not for being an idol, I may never have this wonderful encounter. But if fate really planned on making us meet, I'll sure we'll see each other whatever the circumstances may be. I just thank my lucky stars that fate made it a little bit easier for us. And I thank fate for one more thing: I've found that one thing that I know I'm meant to do, and I believe I'll never tire of doing so. I've found out that I'm meant to be loving her, that one person that made my life complete long before it will end.
My favorite part of a relationship is the part where we’re just getting to know each other. These fresh feelings are what I cherish the most because they’re what keeps me hopeful for the future. I think an encounter out of which love develops, is something that drops in on you without you realizing it. Somehow, the time you spend together grows longer, and one day, you’d suddenly think “I like her”. If I like someone, I’d want to make loads of memories with her. If you’ve been together with a person for a long time, it’d be good if your shared history can keep going on. Meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was by choice, but falling in love with you was something way beyond my control. I didn’t plan on falling in love with you, and doubt if you planned on falling in love with me. But once we met, it was clear that neither of us could control what was happening to us. We fell in love, despite our differences, and once we did, something rare and beautiful was created.
I love you.
Plain and simple, right? No, not in the least. I know that falling in love means risking getting hurt. I can’t get hurt like that, no, not again. But… For some reason, I think you’re different. I think you might be the one I can spill my heart out to. Even in that dark void, that overflowing emptiness that was my life, there was still that tiny sliver of light hope. She was the only sane thing in the midst of my crazy existence. She made me believe that I still have a chance, no matter how hopeless things seem to be. Any coldness I may feel will be blown away by her warmth. She may seem so far away, yet she is the closest thing to heaven I could find here on earth. The little things you do to me are taking me over. I want to show you everything inside of me, like a nervous heart that is crazy beating. I want to make it close your eyes, get your attention, before you pass me by. Everyday just becomes a fairytale when I'm with you. And I would never forgive myself if I ever let this chance pass by, so I'm saying this right now.
I love you. More than you may ever know, more than I may ever let on. You are a part of the me that I could finally be proud of. I'm completely caught up in your flow, and you have a claim to my heart that no one can take away.
Will you please let me be yours?