Title: JUNON Boy
Pairing: Kyomoto Taiga x Uekusa Yuta (with some SanaZawa, YasuixNoeru, and Masuda Ryo x Takada Sho on the side)
Notes: For
yatsuiko_chan ! :)
Summary: Taiga's been acting strange lately.
"Why are you in such a hurry to go home?" Noeru exasperatedly asked as Taiga nervously checked the time on his cellphone. Dance practice was taking longer than usual, since more than half of the JapHi kids were having trouble with the formations.
"I have to go to the convenience store. He told me that today is the release date, and I have to go and buy a copy.," he said, much to Noeru's confusion.
"Uh Kyomochan, can you repeat that in a way that I'd understand?" He was rewarded with silence as the Kyomochan in concern resorted to staring at his phone's screen display. With a frustrated sigh Noeru turned to the person sitting next to Taiga, intent in finding an answer.
"Yasui-kun~ can you translate Taiga for me?" Yasui choked on the water he was drinking, trying to hide his laughter. Seeing Noeru's earnest expression, Yasui decided to humor the younger boy. Noeru was, after all, known for his persistence. And stubborness.
"Let's see... maybe he wants to buy JUMP? He's been going on about what can happen in the next chapter of One Piece, anyways," Yasui guessed. Noeru shook his head.
"JUMP was released yesterday. Besides, he already bought a copy; I saw him putting it back inside his bag before practice." Yasui frowned, intrigued as well. They both turned their attention back to Taiga, who started when his phone's screen lighted up. He checked his phone with almost bated breath, but visibly deflated when he saw that it wasn't the mail that he seemed to expecting. Their dance teacher called them to teach yet another routine, and though he seemed listless he was able to catch up with everyone else. His behavior, however, did not escape the notice of his friends.
"Are you supposed to meet with someone today, Taiga-kun?" Sanada Yuma asked the younger boy as they were taking a water break. Taiga had practically ran to check his phone when their teacher told them to take five, but he shook his head in answer to Sanada's question. Nozawa Yuki sidled up to the two of them when he heard his two friends talking.
"The results for that contest come out today, right?" Nozawa asked Taiga. When the latter nodded, Sanada's eyes widened as he remembered something.
"Ah, I remember now; Yuta-kun joined a contest in JUNON!" he said excitedly.
"Yeah, the issue that publishes the results is released today, so I really have to buy a copy," Taiga said, a hint of nervous impatience in his voice.
"Has he contacted you yet?" Nozawa asked. Taiga shook his head.
"Not today. He said he'd mail me about the results, so I'm a little worried," he answered.
"Calm down; he's probably caught up in work or something," Sanada reasoned. "I'm sure he'll call you soon so just focus on dance practice, alright? Yuta-kun would probably don't like it if he knew you're slacking off."
Taiga smiled appreciatively at his friend's efforts to make him feel better. "Thanks, Sanapi." Sanada smiled in reply, glad that he was able to cheer his friend up.
"Don't mention it," he said in an embarrassed tone. Seeing his friend's reaction, Nozawa hit Sanada lightly on the head.
"What are you getting all shy for, baka," he said lightly, making all of them laugh.
However long their practice had to take, it was bound to end in some point. Taiga made a mad dash for the door when their choreographer finally announced that lessons were over for the day, rushing to change and get his things. Nozawa raised his hand in reply to one of Taiga's hurried goodbyes.
"You think he's going to be alright?" Sanada asked Nozawa, slipping the strap of his sports bag over his head. Yasui and Noeru followed closely, chattering about the latest chapter of One Piece that they had both read (after pestering Taiga for answers, he let the other two borrow his copy of JUMP). They waved goodbye as Taiga went past. Nozawa shifted the strap of his knapsack to a better position on his shoulder before answering.
"It's Taiga here we're talking about. I'm sure he'll be fine," Nozawa said, watching as the sight of Taiga's retreating back slowly became smaller.
"Where is it?" Taiga muttered to himself as he rummaged through the magazine racks of the nearest convenience store he could find. He remembered that JUNON was usually placed near the TV magazines, but the slot of the magazine rack where it's supposed to be in was empty.
"Are you looking for something, sir...?" a female shop attendant asked Taiga upon seeing his frenzied search.
"Uh, do you still have a copy of JUNON, by any chance?" Taiga hurriedly asked.
"Sorry, the last copy got sold a while ago... we won't be restocking until tomorrow," the shop attendant said in an apologetic tone.
"Ah, what should I do~?" Taiga said to himself after bowing towards the concerned shop attendant.
"Taiga-kun? What happened?" a voice said from behind him. He turned to find Masuda Ryo standing before him, a can of soda in his hand.
"Masuda-kun! I was, uh, looking for... JUNON, but it seems like they're out of stock... I have to read it by today," he said urgently. Seeing Taiga's face, he looked over his shoulder and called out to another guy lounging by the ice cream station.
"Oi Sho?" Do you know any place near here that sells JUNON?"
"There's a bookstore about two blocks from here," Takada Sho replied over his ice cream cone.
"Thank you!" said Taiga, running out of the convenience store after hearing Takada's words.
"Be careful!" Masuda called after him. He went to where Takada was standing, and the both of them continued to finish what they were eating--Masuda, his soda and Takada, his ice cream. Masuda was the first to break the silence.
"I wonder how Uekusa-kun did in that contest... Taiga-kun looked so worried."
"I'm sure the both of them would be fine, Ryo. They're still friends after everything that happened. It would take a lot more than a contest before they stop supporting each other... in that way."
"Maybe you're right... and hey, you do say some good things sometimes."
"I say them a lot, you just don't listen," Takada mumbled under his breath.
"What did you say?"
"Nothing. Drink your soda, we'll miss our train."
"Found it!" Taiga said triumphantly, forgetting to lower his voice as he held a copy of JUNON in his hands. He then noticed the people staring at him and bowed in apology, hurrying to the cashier to pay for the magazine. Not waiting for the cashier to wrap it up, he took the magazine and his receipt and proceeded to open the magazine on his way out of the bookstore. When he saw the page of the results, his hands automatically went to his phone before he even noticed it was already ringing.
"Moshi moshi? Yuta-kun? I saw the results! Congratulations on that award, I knew you could do it!"
"Thank you, Taiga. You just bought the magazine, then? The people in the bookstore are starting to notice who you are."
"Wha--Huh? Wait, how did you even know that?" Taiga said in confusion, furtively looking left and right as he was leaving the shop. A guy leaning on the wall next to the door of the bookstore suddenly moved to block Taiga, and he was about to complain until he saw who it was.
"Yuta-kun! How did you know I was here?" Taiga said. Yuta looked at Taiga's hand, still clutching the magazine, and smiled.
"Lucky guess. C'mon let's get some food. My treat."
"Wow. Yuta-kun should win a lot more contests then! Then it's yakiniku!"
"Wait, I don't have that much money!"
"It's okay, I know a place that sells awesomely inexpensive food!" Yuta laughed at Taiga's enthusiasm and ruffled Taiga's hair.
"Thank you Taiga-kun," he said. Taiga smiled back in reply.
"It's Yuta-kun, you don't have to say thank you. I'm always here, you know that."
"That's why I'm saying thank you. And all these is making me more hungry. Yakiniku~!"
"Isn't that Taiga-kun and Uekusa-kun?"
"Leave them alone Sanapi, you're worse than Noeru and Yasui-kun combined," Nozawa said in a bored voice. Sanada, however, did not seem to hear him as he started to steathily follow Taiga and Yuta. Sighing, Nozawa pulled at his collar from behind and started pulling him towards the opposite direction.
"Come on, Sanapi, I'll buy you cake. Just leave them alone."
"Okay, okay, Nozawa-kun I can't breathe!"
"Yes you can, you're still talking."
"You're choking me!"
"Hai, hai."