Here's the next storyboard for Green Boy! Again,
bodgei, let me know if you want to make any changes.
1)A picture of Jeff as a toddler
2) FRANK: You're our son now
3) Montage of Jeff growing up.
Notes: The first panel shows a photograph of Frank walking toddler Jeff, and Mabel standing to the side. It's a moment where both are doting on him and it really seems natural for him to be part of the family.
The rest shows a few images of Jeff getting older. He'll be getting less and less green as it goes on. I have shown here, and I liked the effect, having the images become less faded as they get closer to the future. The images here aren't terribly clear, but what I have illustrated is baby Jeff sleeping, crawling, pulling tissues out of a tissue box, being bored and angry at his schooldesk (beside him, some papers with bad grades), kids making fun of him at school, Jeff playing ice hockey and baseball, papers with good grades next to the pictures of Jeff playing sports, and finally, the sign for the town the family is moving to.