Yep, I'm still going, look at me.
Here's the 11th storyboard. It carries on into the 12th, so I'll probably re-post it tomorrow so I can show them together.
1) Jeff and Deirdre eating lunch in the school cafeteria together. Jeff with a bag lunch Dre with a school bought lunch. Dre doing homework.
2) TEXT: As a Changeling Jeff had to watch what he ate. Many processed foods made him ill.
4)JEFF: Are you gonna eat that?
The first panel shows the school cafeteria, and Jeff sitting down at the table with his bag lunch. It will probably picture a lot more people in the final version, but I wanted to figure out the setup and make Jeff and Dre pretty obvious. Next, Jeff is picking at his icky-looking healthy lunch. Then, he's leaning over Dre to look at her lunch. He's trying to get her attention along with checking out her food.