Title: In which Jun dies from the glare of his shiny accessories and the love and affection of his band mates.
Pairings: Gen, Ohmiya
Co-written with
isaofdoomSummary: Snippets of Jun's life dealing with his band mates.
What started of as me encouraging Isa to write more fics making fun of Jun has resulted in this monster comment fic. There's an awesome
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Comments 34
Yes, that expression does need to be trademarked. That must have been Nino's doing, he wouldn't want anyone else stealing/making money off of Ohno's face. Aside from Johnny, but Nino has plans for that old fogy, without a doubt.
It was hilarious Scribs, thank you for sharing! You really ought to write more XD Oh and sorry I didn't catch it when you first posted OTL
*flips table like Nino* è_é JUST KIDDING, it's alright :DD
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