Title: The Life You Save Author: Scribere Est Agere Pairing: Goren/Eames Spoilers: After Purgatory Rating: M Disclaimer: These characters do not belong to me.
So I've been meaning to review this story for ages, but kept putting it off with, "No, I have to do this and this and this, and besides, it's just Scribere being her regular awesome self, lalalalalalaa..." And then BLAM! This chapter. This chapter. There's such a nice blend of realism and hallucination here; I'm almost tempted to call it magic realism. And then the ending revelation, which just--I did NOT see coming, but at the same time is basically the only thing that it makes sense to happen next that--WIN. Win winnity win win.
I may have been hallucinating whilst writing this chapter. Seriously. Such is the state of my life/mind these days and I'mnotevenjoking. But, whatever. I'm glad you enjoyed, including the ending, which I kind of knew about, but not completely, before I wrote it. My dear writer friend CsiNut214 advised me to try to not overthink the chapter thing...to view it, instead, as a "walk in the woods" instead of a journey from Point A to Point B, because if I moved too quickly, I may miss some interesting roadside attractions, so to speak. So. That's what I'm trying to do. I'm glad you think it's made of WIN, because in all honesty, I'm not sure. At all. But, thank you, all the same. <3
Comments 5
I need more. It'll be okay right? I just need more. *cries*
Glad you're still reading. Hang in there. I'll try to make it all better.
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I may have been hallucinating whilst writing this chapter. Seriously. Such is the state of my life/mind these days and I'mnotevenjoking. But, whatever. I'm glad you enjoyed, including the ending, which I kind of knew about, but not completely, before I wrote it. My dear writer friend CsiNut214 advised me to try to not overthink the chapter thing...to view it, instead, as a "walk in the woods" instead of a journey from Point A to Point B, because if I moved too quickly, I may miss some interesting roadside attractions, so to speak. So. That's what I'm trying to do. I'm glad you think it's made of WIN, because in all honesty, I'm not sure. At all. But, thank you, all the same. <3
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