
Nov 18, 2004 00:37

The mood thing can be explained by Dead Man on Campus...great movie, great memories. "Who are you, Kurt fucking Loder? Piss off ( Read more... )

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Comments 6

righteousrob November 18 2004, 19:13:23 UTC


scriptedromance November 18 2004, 20:36:30 UTC
No, I'd rather not be so direct with that, people tend to take it very personally, even if they are undeniably participating in it...

I just needed to get it out there, because I feel the fact that this is going on is often overlooked or denied for fear of feeling exposed.


zephyronly November 18 2004, 23:01:47 UTC
. . . . mmmmmkay


scriptedromance November 19 2004, 03:25:42 UTC
I'm not accusing anyone...it's ok.

Fuck it, just ignore this whole thing.


lp_muppet November 19 2004, 03:40:30 UTC
no thank you, i think ill keep my shoes, but thanks for asking
the ones youre offering are just far too expensive


zephyronly November 19 2004, 09:32:28 UTC
meep. . i just like commenting. .


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