Sweet baby girl, why do you cry?
It's not your fault the world looks at you with angry eyes
Dry your tears, show me a smile
Try to stand tall once in a while
Don't ever let them push you around
Hush, dear, don't make a sound
Don't show them their words reach you
Show them instead what you can do
Be proud, my darling boo
And one day you'll be flying too
My dear you,
Who are you trying to fool?
You've never been one of them
You never will
Why do you insist on trying?
Just be yourself
Stand up tall
Pride will never be your downfall
Trust in who you are
Please baby, don't cry
The world's a beautiful place
With hopes and dreams and joy
A magical, wonderful place
With love and compassion...
But baby, there's more;
There's also lies, betrayal and hatred
And sorrow and insults feeding on our minds
Destruction, mistreatment
and crushing moments exist too
Don't trust, don't love,
don't hope and don't dream
There's no one there for you...
Baby, why aren't you crying more?