I've started a new workout routine and have decided to chronicle it to some degree. It will probably be boring to 99% of my friends so I'm going to put the day to day details behind the cut. You will know that it is only related to my new workout routine because I will put it in the subject line. It will look something like HIT Workout #25 and
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Comments 10
It sounds like you've got a good routine going, there. One thing - what kind of pain are you having? Is it the sharp, "I'm hurting my muscle/joint/ligament/tendon" kind of pain, or the "oh fuck this is too much work" kind of muscle pain?
The pain I'm feeling is the "oh fuck this is too much work" kind of pain. It's not anything that is ripping, tearing or breaking. It just hurts a hell of a lot. I know that if I focus enough I could push through, but who the hell wants that much pain. If I do that, I might need to carry a vomit bucket with me. I need to figure out if perhaps my legs are just too tight and I need to loosen them up or something. My calves and hamstrings to better than my quads. The quads just kill me.
One thing you might consider is that you don't have to progress right away - the fact that you're showing up and hitting that pain threshold is really good. Give it a couple more weeks, then see if you can push through the pain to lift more. Being the Grunty Guy at the gym may be a little annoying, but being the Vomit Guy will get you remembered in all the wrong ways :D
Also, stretching is a good thing. My physical therapist tells me that much of my knee troubles and general mis-alignment comes not from lack of strength, but lack of flexibility. Which sucks, because I am genetically ossified. So, more yoga and pilates for me, and much stretching when I exercise.
And? I still can't touch my toes, yet!
I am hoping that after doing it for a while longer I get better about the pain in my legs. I remember the pain from doing typical HVT (High Volume Training) with the personal trainer I used to have. It just seems to be my quads as the culprits.
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I don't care what he does as long as his main muscle stays the same...oh yeah!!! me likey!
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