Now I need New Trek icons *g*

May 10, 2009 18:46

That. Was. Awesome.

Kirk and Spock and Spock Prime and Scotty and Uhura were marvelous. Sulu and Bones and Sarek were acceptable substitutes and frankly in one scene Ben Cross looked so much like Mark Leonard that it was eerie. I did the obligatory handwave at Chekov, who should not have been there, and at the AU aspects but truthfully I didn't mind the AUness. It was a handy trick to keep New Trek from being a slave to STTOS canon and as such it did a fine job of it, leaving me feeling as though I don't need to nit pick every damned thing wrong regarding canon.

Commence nit picking of a more general type:

George Kirk taking the Kelvan straight down the maw of the Romulan ship was straight out of The Doomsday Machine except in TDM it worked. Better technology five years later? *handwave*

The prevalence of corn fields in 23rd century Iowa was disturbing and I caught myself wondering if Clark Kirk was going to be hiding his abilities behind a water boy facade for the high school football team and have a 'silver-haired' old mother. I guess it's nice that they still have corn fields but, man, there were a lot of them in the first fifteen minutes. Also, ten year old Kirk looked nothing like NewKirk. *handwave*

I liked the aliens, but not so much the 'green Orion slave girl', 'though the make-up was definitely an homage to Vina. Trust the boys to pick that chick for the tribute. *sigh* But the slightly bug-eyed med tech in the medevac shuttle was subtle and way cool. Scotty's pet/friend/robot? Not so much.

I loved Uhura but definitely do not ship Uhura/Spock. I have 40 years of shipping Uhura/Kirk and I'm not about to stop now. The lift scene was wrongwrongwrongitywrong. Which is not to say that I want either Janice Rand or Christine Chapel to show up in the next movie. I just want Uhura to recognize the error of her ways. ;)

Bones getting Kirk aboard the Enterprise and then sprayhypo-ing him every time a new symptom arose was glee.

And why, when the jammer was taken out, did they not transport Pike the hell outta Dodge?? *handwave*

The snow scenes reminded me of Return of the Jedi. Sorry. And then Spock in the snow cave brought back All Our Yesterdays. I kept waiting for Zarabeth to show up and I never liked her. She was a wimp.

The critter on the Romulan ship: Go'auld or critter from Wrath of Khan? You decide. Does it always have to be a critter? Can't it ever be truth serum? Better living with chemicals, you know. Trust me on that.

The action and the effects were awesome and were really non-stop from frame one. The costumes were close enough without being over the top. I liked the slightly longer skirts with the boots. The ship was gorgeous but either there was a glare across the bottom from all the glass or it was deliberate. It was distracting, whatever the hell it was.

Scotty stuck on planet reminded me strongly of Stanz. (FS reference for those of you unfamiliar with it.) So much so that I expected him to hop on a stationary bike to get the shuttle craft moving. *g*

I loved the last scene with Nero, specifically the lines between Kirk and Spock. Yeah. They'll be fine.

Is there anyone who didn't think the Enterprise was too close to the singularity? Anyone? Bueller?

I got all verklempt when Nimoy read the voiceover at the end. Encore! Encore!

In short, I loved it. The original theme over the end credits was lovely. Thank you, JJ. See you in two?
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